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Redemption the board game

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Redemption the board game

Postby link_triforce21 » Thursday March 3rd, 2011 4:13am

I found this game at Good Will and it got my attention, the sword on the box cover, and as I was making sure that it was all there, it was missing one character mover and the rules still got it though $1.99, I noticed something about the game it's religious. I do not believe in religion but I do not think that all should be like me I think that those who believe in religion are cool on my part you believe in a god go right ahead, more power to ya.

Well back on topic the things that got me to get the board game were two things the dice and the game board. The dice have: 2 dragon symbols, 3 cross symbols, 1 lamb symbol, and the crosses are of three colors red, blue, and green. Now these dice can be used for lots of things, I have a quest that already uses them.

Now on to the game board.
That is another thing altogether it could be used for lots of quests. What the board looks like is that of a small town. It has small one space paths and buildings that have no spaces but then all you need to do is to enter the room start an event then exit the room.

If you manage to find the game at a thrift shop and it's cheap get it if you want cause there was a complete one on eBay for $30.00.

I will try to get pics up of them all as soon as I can.
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Re: Redemption the board game

Postby HeroQuestFrance » Tuesday March 15th, 2011 8:49am

Yep a link and photos plz !

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Re: Redemption the board game

Postby ken » Tuesday March 15th, 2011 10:45am

HeroQuestFrance wrote:Yep a link and photos plz !

Go for it :!: Sounds interesting :mrgreen:

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Re: Redemption the board game

Postby link_triforce21 » Tuesday March 15th, 2011 3:35pm

I'll have it up within the week.
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