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28 Pathfinder pdf's for $25

PostPosted: Sunday February 5th, 2023 3:40am
by BroccoliRage ... aizo-books

I am not an ad bot, I am not shilling or standing to profit from this. I am letting you guys know because this is a solid deal I found and it seems to be a bit under the radar. It's the core books, expansions, printable pawns, and two campaign modules.

Mods, if this is breaking the rules, please delete. I am not intentionally flouting the rules and if this is out of bounds I apologize.

Re: 28 Pathfinder pdf's for $25

PostPosted: Sunday February 5th, 2023 1:28pm
by StratosVX
The issue is when the links are in no way related to the topics usually discussed on this site or the current discussion at hand. Personally, I see no issue with this. Thanks for sharing.