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HeirQuest PockeT

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HeirQuest PockeT

Postby Lizuren » Thursday November 24th, 2022 11:46am


"HeirQuest PockeT" is a cooperative game for 1 to 4 players in which a group of Heroes will have to explore a dungeon until they complete the chosen Quest. During the adventure, they will have to eliminate all the threats that come their way and claim all the treasures they can

The Crowd Sale campaign is live now!!: https://www.thegamecrafter.com/crowdsale/heirquest-pocket
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Re: HeirQuest PockeT

Postby Kurgan » Sunday November 27th, 2022 1:13am

Ah, giving the project a necessary facelift of the concept ("inspired be" so to speak) to avoid running afoul of the Hasbro legal team I see... good luck!

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