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Blood Bowl

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Blood Bowl

Postby Sargon » Thursday February 3rd, 2022 1:04pm

One of the games I was always interested in as a kid was Blood Bowl. I saw it sitting on the shelf at my local hobby store several times, but I had limited disposable income at the time and I didn't know anyone else who played it, so I never got into it. Fast forward 15ish years, the new PC version of Blood Bowl was released and I started playing that. That led to me buying the tabletop box set and discovering an active league in my area to play in-person games. Over the years, I have continued to play in leagues, both online and in-person, and travel to occasional tournaments. I know Blood Bowl is a bit of a niche product (similar to HeroQuest), but I really enjoy it and there is a really great community spanning multiple countries and continents. I'm just curious how much crossover there is between HeroQuest and Blood Bowl players. How many people here play, or have played Blood Bowl in the past?
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Re: Blood Bowl

Postby mcapone888 » Thursday February 3rd, 2022 1:32pm

I loved Blood Bowl. I first got the MS-DOS game back in the mid-90's and played it all the time. Never even realized it was a table top game until years later. I see it is listed as abandonware so I might have to go download it and get back in it.

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Re: Blood Bowl

Postby cornixt » Thursday February 3rd, 2022 1:35pm

Blood Bowl is probably one of the best GW games. I've taken to playing Sevens more because it is almost the same experience but with shorter play time.

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