Hello there everybody ; this is a short topic with a specific purpose. I wonder if any of you played/ or bought a game called ''DUNGEON CRAWL'' made by ''SmackWell''. It's a dungeon crawler type of game in the same spirit as HeroQuest, Dungeon Saga, DarkLight, Arcane Quest, etc. It's apparently EXCLUSIVELY MADE for print-and-play. I found a few videos only that talk about it on Youtube.
The reason why I did not put this topic in the last page of ''Other Games'' is because I think that the section of the Forum is quite inactive and very quiet. Hence why I'm doing my research here instead.
So - - I'm looking for this game called Dungeon Crawl. Apparently, anybody can buy it on the official website. Here is the catch ; I want to buy it from BoardGameGeeks.com but it seems absolutely impossible to do. Also, I don't have a PayPal account so I cannot buy it from the creator on his website. Furthermore - - his website doesn't seem regularly updated and some people actually complained that the process to obtain the game was not optimal/quite clunky and that it needed a refresh.
NOTE - - The ONLY relevant video I ever found in Youtube is this one :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSWPLWz ... GaminggeekMy point of view :
- It seems to be an excellent game for 15 $ US
- The rules are akin to HeroQuest and Advanced HeroQuest
- Races, classes, traits and combat cards seem pretty neat
- The game has like 150 pages of content - - or more
- 35 pre-made quests ready to play
- Seems very unique, cryptic and hard to get your hands on....
- Why is the creator himself not talking more about his own game ?
- Payment methods and hosting systems don't seem truly functional...
So yeah - if anybody can help me obtain it (I want to pay the creator), that would be great.
If you know about it, please reply in this post.
Thank you very much !!