by Orc26 » Wednesday November 11th, 2020 4:31pm
I just started playing the new Gloomhaven prequil on TTS with a friend. (He owns a copy and we would be playing in person if not for other reasons... I don't want people to think I have an eye patch, peg leg, and a hook)
-I really like it, except that I have the worst luck with the modifier deck...
-The card mechanic feels really hard to explain, but takes about 3 seconds to demonstrate. Then there is just the figuring out good strategies with your character, the other player(s), and your "deck" of cards.
-I really like that it isn't boring carbon copy fantasy and that is one of its strongest points.
-After one level you will know if the game is for you or not though. Even though it is 100% a dungeon crawl, it doesn't feel like any other dungeon crawl and if you don't like the feel you will know right away. (Our first game was with a 3rd player who told us he didn't like how he knew exactly what the enemies were going to do on their turn before their turn happened.)
- It also takes a minute to get used to the "table talk" limitations. (You can say I'm going to quickly attack that guy with a strong attack, but cannot say I'm going to attack that guy with a 4 attack at initiative 14)
Over all I recommend it but if someone didn't like it I wouldn't believe them crazy. Also there are so many parts and I would hate to actually set up the table and not be using a TTS mod that literally does all the work.