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Space Fleet Remake

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Re: Space Fleet Remake

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Saturday September 14th, 2019 10:05am

Hi again here !

This spaceship is the Emperor Capital Ship, the first Jovian ship with such a huge height (subsequent important spaceships from Jupitarian ship yards will be bigger than this one).

Below, the link to all the stuff !

https://www.deviantart.com/valnarnightr ... pace-fleet

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Re: Space Fleet Remake

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Sunday September 15th, 2019 5:59am


Here is a new board section, and this is NOT a blackhole (I'll do a blackhole board later). It is, in fact, the "jump point", in the outer limits of a stellar system, where spaceships can make their warp-jump. It may be an objective for the game : taking or defend the jump point, or this may be where reenforcement can appear, or the arrival point of an invasion force... So many possibilities...

Below, here is the link to all my Space Fleet stuff. HOPE YOU LIKE IT !

https://www.deviantart.com/valnarnightr ... pace-fleet

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Re: Space Fleet Remake

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Sunday September 15th, 2019 7:25am

And here is the Castellan Shild Ship, a very unusual Spaceship with a huge shield field generator. Due to this, the Castellan have a very weak weaponry, some laser betteries only effectives at a very short range. However, its shield generator can protect any allied spaceship in the adjacent squares. BUT if the shield generator is overpowered, it can explode in a huge fire storm, damaging all spaceships in adjacent squares.

Here is the link to all Space Fleet Remake stuff. HOPE YOU LIKE IT !

https://www.deviantart.com/valnarnightr ... pace-fleet

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Re: Space Fleet Remake

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Sunday September 15th, 2019 9:52am

It's now time for orbital assault ! Here is a six parts board to simulate orbital battles. This is the first of many others. Below, you'll find the link to my work on this game. ENJOY !!

https://www.deviantart.com/valnarnightr ... pace-fleet







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Re: Space Fleet Remake

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Sunday September 15th, 2019 1:45pm

And finaly today, the second 6 parts board for orbital assaults. It is a telluric planet and it have no moon. Those kind of planets are usualy strategic objectives for invasion forces. Rules for orbital assaults will be simple : the max speed for a Spaceship will be 3, and only 2 when entering a square contening a part of the planet, to represent the gravitational forces. A crippled ship entering such a square is automaticaly destroyed, falling on the planet. If there is a moon on the map, it works exactly the same way as a planet square in the regular game.

Below, the link to all my work on this game. ENJOY !!

https://www.deviantart.com/valnarnightr ... pace-fleet







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Re: Space Fleet Remake

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Tuesday September 17th, 2019 1:15am


So, this is now the Constellation Targeting Ship, a spaceship with poor weaponry and no shield at all, but with a large aray of scanners, detectors and targeting and analysis computers. All allied ships in adjacent squares can have many bonuses to "to hit" rolls, they although can re-roll a dice with a bad result when they firing at ennemies ships. The Constellation is able to locate the real position of Eldar ships protected with Holographic field, so, any allied spaceship within the range of the Constellation targeting field can fire at such an Eldar ship with a bonus on its dice.

Below, find the link to my work on the game. HOPE YOU LIKE IT !!

https://www.deviantart.com/valnarnightr ... pace-fleet

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Re: Space Fleet Remake

Postby Anderas » Tuesday September 17th, 2019 8:52am

How does that game work?
I loved BFG for their super-elegant game mechanics.

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Re: Space Fleet Remake

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Tuesday September 17th, 2019 3:46pm

Anderas wrote:How does that game work?
I loved BFG for their super-elegant game mechanics.

Space fleet is more MORE simple and fast to play. You build your fleet (only Empire, Eldars (two different ships :roll: ) and Tyranids in the official rules) just like BFG, in spending points, you make the board with other players and it's time for deployement on one edge of the board per player. You're chosing your move on the Helm Computer in placing a ship counter. Some ships can move to a max speed 6, most can only move at max speed 3. Some are "Super Manoeuvrable" and can turn very shortly to counter attack, other are really like flying anvils and can turn only at speed zero... You then move your ships on the squares, just like te move you selected on the helm computer. Very simple.

For a more detailed explaination, you can read thoses articles, you'll find a complet story of the game and, in the second one, the game mechanic ;) The guy is french too but he is better than myself in english :mrgreen:

https://leadplague.blogspot.com/2015/04 ... othic.html

https://leadplague.blogspot.com/2015/05 ... othic.html
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Re: Space Fleet Remake

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Friday September 20th, 2019 5:34am


Today, I share with you the Galaxy Troop Ship, a spaceship transporting up to 4 Imperial Guards Regiment, training facilities, and so on. Its weaponry is not as fearsome as a space cruiser, its have only laser batteries, and its mission is more troop transport than space battle, but it is usefull in boarding actions and capturing crippled ennemies spaceships. Interesting missions can consist on escorting Galaxy Class spaceship to its goal, a planet for example, and make a landing troops action.

Below is the link to my work on this game. HOPE YOU LIKE IT !

https://www.deviantart.com/valnarnightr ... pace-fleet

Maître Haut Elfe sur un arbre perché, tenait dans son bec l'Enclume des nains.... (Ca sent la fracture de Crâne) http://ahqnewgen.clicforum.com/index.php
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Re: Space Fleet Remake

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Friday September 20th, 2019 12:26pm

Another spaceship from the Jovian shipyards : the Dictator Battleship. It is a very old spaceship pattern, and its history is lost from many millenias... Perhaps this ship was used in vast minning operations in asteroids fields before it been used in space battle. It has some laser batteries but its better weapon is its pair of huge power claws, used in "hand to hand" struggles to grabb ennemies spaceship to rip it in pieces... Once a ship is grabbed, the Dictator can use a powerfull drill to break through the hull and the crew can then attempt boarding actions. It is not necessary for the Dictator to waiting for a crippled ship to perform that kind of action...

Below, this the link to my Space Fleet stuff. Hope you loke it !

https://www.deviantart.com/valnarnightr ... pace-fleet

Maître Haut Elfe sur un arbre perché, tenait dans son bec l'Enclume des nains.... (Ca sent la fracture de Crâne) http://ahqnewgen.clicforum.com/index.php
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