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Altar Quest on Kickstarter

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Altar Quest on Kickstarter

Postby Sjeng » Tuesday May 28th, 2019 1:07pm

For those who might be interested: Altar Quest is going live in about 20 minutes.

It looks like HeroQuest, has a single board, BUT plays entirely differently. Designed by the Sadler brothers, who have made some pretty good games. Worth a look!
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Re: Altar Quest on Kickstarter

Postby Thor-in » Tuesday May 28th, 2019 1:57pm

I saw that on Facebook this morning, it does look interesting.
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Re: Altar Quest on Kickstarter

Postby cornixt » Tuesday May 28th, 2019 2:56pm

I can't tell how different it is from Hero Quest because I can't access the Youtube videos, but everything else there is clearly very influenced by it. Looks like some card system is used for attacks, but every reference to it ends in a Youtube video, so no luck there today.

Almost funded already. Looks well done.

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Re: Altar Quest on Kickstarter

Postby Sjeng » Tuesday May 28th, 2019 3:34pm

Check out my YouTube channel Boardgame Heaven, and drop me a sub please!

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Re: Altar Quest on Kickstarter

Postby defttitan » Tuesday May 28th, 2019 5:19pm

It looks promising enough as a dungeon crawler. Everything seems to be composed of card decks, almost like a Card Hunter meets HeroQuest.
I'll definitely watch some of the gameplay videos before deciding whether or not to jump in.
At $109 plus for extras, it requires some research from me.

It looks like the only KS backer exclusive at the moment is a werewolf expansion.
There's a second optional paid expansion available as well. I get why creators and manufacturers keep these themes separate, but I find expansions at release time a little irritating.

Not to come off negative. I love dungeon crawlers , board games, and I want these guys to be successful.
I will look into this to see if it's gonna scratch an itch. Thanks for the heads up!

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Re: Altar Quest on Kickstarter

Postby Fredostrike » Wednesday February 26th, 2020 10:29am

Did anyone back this one if your looking to sell altar quest when you get it i would buy it im sad i missed that one :( hit me up

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Re: Altar Quest on Kickstarter

Postby laukiaerkko » Wednesday November 11th, 2020 2:41pm

I wish I had backed this game. It looks awesome. Many things I see that are inspired by HeroQuest. Let us know what you think about it when you finally get to play it

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Re: Altar Quest on Kickstarter

Postby JCool » Monday July 19th, 2021 9:16am

I just picked up the kickstarter bundle of Altar Quest from a local seller for a steal! $75 for everything which included two neoprene mats. Looking forward to checking this out. Worst case it's great fodder for HeroQuest adventures! :D

Has anyone else played, have any tips?

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Re: Altar Quest on Kickstarter

Postby JCool » Friday November 19th, 2021 5:15pm

Having just gotten the new HQ I am reminded that I haven't played much AQ yet. As a way to bridge the gap I've started adapting the heroes for use in HQ (adapting the new "Skill Cards" motif for some special abilities). Let me know your thoughts on the initial 3 below:

Van Geyzer - dual-wielding horsehead Bounty Hunter
Hero Stats:
Attack Dice: 2
Defend Dice: 2
Mind Points: 2
Body Points: 8
Starting Weapons: 2 Short Swords (Duskfall, Dawn’s Edge)
Special Skillcards:
Spin Attack - Once per quest you may use both weapons in a spin attack to hit all targets adjacent to you (including diagonal). All targets (including heroes) take 1 body point of damage.
Elder Grit - Once per quest you may trade mind points for body points. If you reduce your Mind Points to 0 then you have 1 turn before you go insane and are at Zargon’s mercy.
Hunt the Prey (Passive, ongoing) - You are able to dual wield your short-swords to perform a double attack on one target or two attacks on two separate targets. You may not take another action that turn, and cannot move/attack on the following turn (though you may still perform all searches on the following turn).

Sedrin Highmoor - Paladin
Hero Stats:
Attack Dice: 1
Defend Dice: 2
Mind Points: 5
Body Points: 6
Starting Weapons: Mace
Special Skillcards:
Guiding Light (Passive, ongoing): When you attack with your mace you may attack diagnoally
Aluna’s Gift: Once per quest, when you attack with your mace and hit an enemy you may make an additional attack against another adjacent target
Faith Rewarded: Once per quest you may heal all heroes for 1 Body Point of damage that are in the same room as you

Leyson Pines - Elf Ranger
Hero Stats:
Attack Dice: 2
Defend Dice: 2
Mind Points: 4
Body Points: 5
Starting Weapons: Ranger bow (cannot attack adjacent targets, limited to 6 spaces in distance)
Special Skillcards:
Hunter’s Reach: Once per quest you may attack a target regardless of distance from your hero
On the Scent: Once per quest you may reveal a room without entering it

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Re: Altar Quest on Kickstarter

Postby banu123 » Saturday November 20th, 2021 11:58pm

JCool wrote:Having just gotten the new HQ I am reminded that I haven't played much AQ yet. As a way to bridge the gap I've started adapting the heroes for use in HQ (adapting the new "Skill Cards" motif for some special abilities). Let me know your thoughts on the initial 3 below:

Van Geyzer - dual-wielding horsehead Bounty Hunter
Hero Stats:
Attack Dice: 2
Defend Dice: 2
Mind Points: 2
Body Points: 8
Starting Weapons: 2 Short Swords (Duskfall, Dawn’s Edge)
Special Skillcards:
Spin Attack - Once per quest you may use both weapons in a spin attack to hit all targets adjacent to you (including diagonal). All targets (including heroes) take 1 body point of damage.
Elder Grit - Once per quest you may trade mind points for body points. If you reduce your Mind Points to 0 then you have 1 turn before you go insane and are at Zargon’s mercy.
Hunt the Prey (Passive, ongoing) - You are able to dual wield your short-swords to perform a double attack on one target or two attacks on two separate targets. You may not take another action that turn, and cannot move/attack on the following turn (though you may still perform all searches on the following turn).

Sedrin Highmoor - Paladin
Hero Stats:
Attack Dice: 1
Defend Dice: 2
Mind Points: 5
Body Points: 6
Starting Weapons: Mace
Special Skillcards:
Guiding Light (Passive, ongoing): When you attack with your mace you may attack diagnoally
Aluna’s Gift: Once per quest, when you attack with your mace and hit an enemy you may make an additional attack against another adjacent target
Faith Rewarded: Once per quest you may heal all heroes for 1 Body Point of damage that are in the same room as you

Leyson Pines - Elf Ranger
Hero Stats:
Attack Dice: 2
Defend Dice: 2
Mind Points: 4
Body Points: 5
Starting Weapons: Ranger bow (cannot attack adjacent targets, limited to 6 spaces in distance)
Special Skillcards:
Hunter’s Reach: Once per quest you may attack a target regardless of distance from your hero
On the Scent: Once per quest you may reveal a room without entering it

Wow came into the forum looking for the exact thing. Possible for your to make stats for the rest? Especially the monsters as well?
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