I wanted to keep it to being very much in the Heroquest feel, but felt I could add a few little differences here and there and build mechanics around them. Otherwise combat works very much like in heroquest, a character must be in an adjacent space to attack in hand-to-hand unless they have a pole-arm with reach. Ranged attacks are opposite and can only be used if an opponent isn't adjacent.
This is where things do deviate more as Might and Agility come into play.
I have a few avenues I'm debating on this.
As Might increases it grants a bonus to hand-to-hand, and Agility gives bonus to ranged attacks ... high agility also gives opponents a penalty reducing their attack dice down to a minimum of 1. Weapons have a dice value like in HQ and the bonus is added ontop of that.

Most heroes don't start out having a bonus, but get them as they gain experience.
This was an alternative idea I had, which sort of based off the Advanced Heroquest way of determining how powerful a weapon was (Strength = Might in this case) where you cross reference the weapon against your characters Might.

The last idea was that characters rolled their 'Might' as their attack dice and added bonuses or penalties for different weapons (E.g. Unarmed -2, Dagger -1, Short Sword 0, Broad Sword +1, Battle Axe +2)