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Where Mortimer brainstorms for his 'Heroquest' next.

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Re: Where Mortimer brainstorms for his 'Heroquest' next.

Postby knightkrawler » Sunday January 31st, 2016 4:12am

Once was Mortimer wrote:Also debating whether I ditch the random movement and just have everyone have a fixed movement.

There've been a few nice discussions about this. Personally, I think it takes away from the game. It might be "logical" and quicken things up, but the fun and suspense when heroes need to keep up goes away.
Think about the Mummy moving 4. It will never catch up with a hero because it's impossible. But those 4 squares are meant to just make it less likely, not impossible. The goblin as the other side of the extreme should more likely catch up. Only with a little luck can a hero escape from a goblin.
The bigger point is the first extreme. Your fixed movement for heroes would probably be 8 or 9? That makes most monsters useless in pursuit. Giving the monsters more movement points would make the whole relation between speeds a moot point.

There's also been suggestions for compromises. Barbarian and Wizard move 1d6+4, Dwarf 1d6+3, Elf 1d6+5, following the dominant fantasy tropes. I playtested that rather extensively, giving all undead monsters different rolls too (I think Mummy 1d6+2, Skeleton 1d8, Zombie 1d6 or something like that), but that was counterproductive when it came to the sheer fun factor.

It might just be 2d6, but they carry more weight for the mechanics and the fun, and how a hero plays and strategizes, than you tend to think. The repercussions of changing it are amazingly crucial, especially with mor experienced players.
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Re: Where Mortimer brainstorms for his 'Heroquest' next.

Postby mitchiemasha » Sunday January 31st, 2016 12:06pm

Removing movement rolls ruins the game, it's simply boring with out it. The only way it works is if making things zones, no lil squares, the Hero is in the room and can engage whoever. I find no illogic to rolling. In life, not always can one move as fast as they'd choose. The average roll is 6,7,8, which is roughly the movement of a fixed mechanic anyways. Low or high rolls are rare so reflective of bad footing, advancement or excellent footing. And, not forgetting, you don't always need to use the full roll.

When you roll a 12 and use it... Think of a runner in the Olympics and they win.

Movement rolls for badies makes the game too long and knowing how much they can move adds to the suspense on your roll. If you didn't know, the suspense would be shifted to the EW roll. That been said, if you moved your character 8 squares thinking it was enough and they rolled 9 you'd be like, damn!!! It would bring about some new choices. Move too far, don't roll high enough to reach back next go, move to little, they reach you and get an attack.

In larger wargames rolling for movement would have too many dice so I can understand it's removal.

To split up the classes, I like the idea of giving them different numbered dice. That's how Dragon Strike does it's combat

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Re: Where Mortimer brainstorms for his 'Heroquest' next.

Postby mitchiemasha » Sunday January 31st, 2016 12:28pm

I'm not a fan of roll modifiers, different dice is soooo much better.

Elf: 2d8
Wizard: 2d6
Barbarian: d6/d8
Dwarf: d4/d6

Wearing medium armour reduced die type.

Elf: d6/d8
Wizzard: d4/d6
Barbarian: 2d6
Dwarf: d4/d4

Wearing heavy armour

Elf: d6/d6
Wizzard: ERM! probably not allowed unless changing the Wizzard class.
Barbarian: d4/d6
Dwarf: d4/d4 The min is d4 so a Dwarf doesn't lose any more between the 2 armour weights. Possibly make it 1d6 but I have roll double and sacrifice a rolled Md in my game.

For simplicity in the write up use pictures of the die type instead of a number.

Edit: Possibly even just reduce both dice down 1 class when wearing armour, min d4. An elf in heavy is on 2d4 same as Dwarf. Barbarian and wizard start on 2d6. Special boots could step you up a die type. Keeps the dice matching type.

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Re: Where Mortimer brainstorms for his 'Heroquest' next.

Postby knightkrawler » Sunday January 31st, 2016 12:47pm

mitchiemasha wrote:Dwarf: d4/d4 The min is d4 so a Dwarf doesn't lose any more between the 2 armour weights.

Now that is smart. The hidden no-weight-punishment for the Dwarf we all want toimplement. Nice.
The onla thing about this structure I don't like is the Elf's 2d8. I would tone him and the Barbarian down one step. Barbarian and Wizard become different from one another through armor. Really like that system.
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Re: Where Mortimer brainstorms for his 'Heroquest' next.

Postby Once was Mortimer » Sunday January 31st, 2016 5:16pm

Interesting take, personally I don't want to include to many required varieties of dice. I might consider dropping the modifier for another D6.
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Re: Where Mortimer brainstorms for his 'Heroquest' next.

Postby Gold Bearer » Sunday January 31st, 2016 6:09pm

Using dice rolls for monster movement is fun, it adds to the tension and it makes a lot more sense if the heroes have to roll. To speed things up you could use one roll for each monster type on the board.

If I was going to separate the heroes movement: Elf; highest two of three dice, lowest one of two with plate armour. Dwarf; lowest two of three dice, highest one of two with plate armour. I would touch the barbarian and wizard.
:goblin: 1BP, :orc: 2BP, :fimir: 3BP, :skeleton: 1BP, :zombie: 2BP, :mummy: 3BP, :chaoswarrior: 4BP, :gargoyle: 5BP. US :chaoswarrior: 3BP, US :gargoyle: 4BP.

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Re: Where Mortimer brainstorms for his 'Heroquest' next.

Postby mitchiemasha » Sunday January 31st, 2016 6:54pm

knightkrawler wrote:the Elf's 2d8.

I did think that a lil strong, 8, 9, 10 being the average. It's only a few more squares but it does break when doing the armour an elf faster in armour than a barbarian doesn't seem right.

Edit: actually, as it's in 2 stages, the elf will be the same 2d4.

Gold Bearer wrote:To speed things up you could use one roll for each monster type on the board.

That reminds me of Mighty Warriors, a skirmish style dungeon game. You roll 1d6 and can move every character you have that amount.

If I was going to separate the heroes movement: Elf; highest two of three dice, lowest one of two with plate armour. Dwarf; lowest two of three dice, highest one of two with plate armour. I would touch the barbarian and wizard.

The problem I have with that would be in the write up. It can't be easily shown by simple pictures of the dice. It takes thought, to a first time reader or a new comer it's... What! I like these character cards viewtopic.php?f=162&t=2654. That would be exactly as I would print my game. With the character fluff on the other side. Not those skills though.

Dragon strike uses pictures of dice to make things simpler. The system shows you the die you can roll, the better you are the higher die type. The task has a number to beat. Combat is done that way too.

So a simple game would just have Sotiris cards but with different movement dice in the pictures. Heavy armour card would have on it, reduce Movement to 2d4. I'm not sure I like rolling d4's though.

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Re: Where Mortimer brainstorms for his 'Heroquest' next.

Postby Once was Mortimer » Sunday January 31st, 2016 7:30pm

Some other thoughts I'm pondering.

Allowing of diagonal movement? or allowing it for special abilities?

Also any thoughts on the two of any one action per your turn mechanic?
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Re: Where Mortimer brainstorms for his 'Heroquest' next.

Postby mitchiemasha » Sunday January 31st, 2016 8:03pm

To me... diagonal movement is allowed, It just costs 2 (or 1.5 rounded up). which is the same as moving forward and to the side.

It's importance would depend on if you had wider corridors. You then also have the problem of explaining more in the movement rules. Like in Space Hulk, movement is allowed diagonally but not diagonally through 2 blocked squares. A character can move diagonally around a corner as the wall is only blocking 1 square.

It's much simpler to write, it's not allowed.

2 of any one action, yes, you could link it to upgrades. Don't move and the Hero can attack twice, that's my Stand Fast. Don't attack and move twice, that could be some form of boots. Search twice work better as draw 2 cards pick one, character skill. Search 1 room, move, then search another, I'm not sure about. Another skill could be to combine all searches.
Last edited by mitchiemasha on Sunday January 31st, 2016 8:42pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Where Mortimer brainstorms for his 'Heroquest' next.

Postby Gold Bearer » Sunday January 31st, 2016 8:19pm

Gold Bearer wrote:I would touch the barbarian and wizard.
:D That's just wrong in so many ways. I meant I wouldn't touch them, as in I'd leave their movement alone. :)
:goblin: 1BP, :orc: 2BP, :fimir: 3BP, :skeleton: 1BP, :zombie: 2BP, :mummy: 3BP, :chaoswarrior: 4BP, :gargoyle: 5BP. US :chaoswarrior: 3BP, US :gargoyle: 4BP.

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