Saga: the Game available on sale now

The latest version of my Role Playing Game is available at
After a few years of working on the old version and updating things and adding stuff: I feel confident that this newest rev is a great resource for any Gamemaster. Inside not only will one find the typical fare of heroes, monsters and sword and sorcery, one will also find a lengthy analysis of how Role Playing Games are at their core Fiction. I go into the common elements of fiction in our culture and how to incorporate these concepts into a proper Role Playing Game. Also covered is the use of cultural narratives and cultural scripts and how one can develop them for use in a RPG.
Honestly...I believe I have taken the Game manual concept and taken it to the next level.
Pretty proud of this work. ... 78384.html
Now I am not saying this book is perfect. I am not the proud possessor of an English Doctorate and there are a few editing errors I am sure. My skills and Sevan's help is all I have to work with. I didn't have a proper dev team like a big company would have. {I did get some artists to help me out and the public domain provided me with plenty of art.} But the end result is something I am proud of. It is well put together for a pair of amatures. The information and insights within make up for the errors.
After a few years of working on the old version and updating things and adding stuff: I feel confident that this newest rev is a great resource for any Gamemaster. Inside not only will one find the typical fare of heroes, monsters and sword and sorcery, one will also find a lengthy analysis of how Role Playing Games are at their core Fiction. I go into the common elements of fiction in our culture and how to incorporate these concepts into a proper Role Playing Game. Also covered is the use of cultural narratives and cultural scripts and how one can develop them for use in a RPG.
Honestly...I believe I have taken the Game manual concept and taken it to the next level.
Pretty proud of this work. ... 78384.html
Now I am not saying this book is perfect. I am not the proud possessor of an English Doctorate and there are a few editing errors I am sure. My skills and Sevan's help is all I have to work with. I didn't have a proper dev team like a big company would have. {I did get some artists to help me out and the public domain provided me with plenty of art.} But the end result is something I am proud of. It is well put together for a pair of amatures. The information and insights within make up for the errors.