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I am now the new ruler of Firetop Mountain

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Re: I am now the new ruler of Firetop Mountain

Postby Anderas » Saturday April 22nd, 2023 8:00am

Now it is me!
Now I am the ruler of Firetop Mountain.

This adventure book took a lot longer than expected, mainly because I stored a complete map of the book in a graph database. Which is madness, of course.

I found out that there is not one, but two winning key combinations.

While I could easily find the keys to make the one, I wasn't able to find the keys needed to make the other - there should be a key with a 1, or a 27, or a 72 somewhere, but I never found it, despite visiting every single node the adventure book had.

Yes, I was not just "reading" the numbers one after the other, I was actually making a character and visiting the nodes in-game.

I DID find out that there is one number missing in the book, maybe they intended to hide the key there, who knows.

It was driving me quite mad. :mrgreen:

Yes. It took the better part of two weekends to play this book so thouroughly. It shall not happen to me again that I treat a game book like that! :-D

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