So I was able (barely) to leave the game unopened until we opened it as a family at Christmas along with zombicide Black Plague !!!
My pledge was missing the dungeon critters and the resin traps were awful (which I knew before Christmas)
I also had 1 miscut tile sheet and 1 with minor damage during printing.
It took ages to sort out all the components but ended up buying an extra storage solution (which I will take photos of and post when I get to it) for all the miniatures and tokens to divide them for easy access instead of digging through them all.
Played the intro quests with the family and they went pretty well. The only real issues for my girls was being able to move diagonally and also the whole having to stop as soon as you enter the front arc of an enemy. Not being able to move through each other also was an issue in the 1st quest with the 4 characters. We all liked rolling all your dice together and I really liked the combat mechanics with rolling above armour and then still having to beat the defenders dive to score a hit.
I really really like that a hero can only take a single would from each attack rather than a lucky roll from a gargoyle (or 2 goblins

) Insta killing the poor wizard in hero quest.
The balance of the game is heaps more even than heroquest. They failed the first real quest in DS 2 times by timing out and once by elf bashing the door as last hero and then me as overlord destroying her with a swarm of zombies (I blame playing too much zombicide along side DS !)
The spell system seems robust and the sheer number of spells in the Kickstarter is crazy. It is a little disappointing that the Mage Dranor uses the same spell set in the base game and the expansions that he is in but I guess that is no different to hero quest.
While this maintains balance in the quests between heroes and overlord - the way spells and equipment is upgraded is based on quest number rather than earning gold/glory and upgrading like buying gear in hero quests. This makes the characters feel more generic as you don't invest into customising your character and spending your hard earned loot like in heroquest.
Of course the adventures companion provides all the rules to customise your characters and control your spells and equipment in a similar fashion to hero quest. But it is also that full of errors and is quite unclear on exactly how to apply these rules to the base quests rather than your own.
The invisible overlord also needs work as it needs some heavy house ruling or atleast clarification to stop him issuing stupid orders... So it means for now my family is playing 4 heroes between the 3 of them and I am playing the overlord and trying not to kill them( I am going to add an extra 6 or so cards to the overlord deck and see how that goes to stop the time out victories). Again hero quest has been well and truly playable with only 3 heroes as it is far less dependant on the balance of the 4 heroes vs overlord compared with DS
I thought that once we got dungeon saga my girls wouldn't want to play hero quest as often. But it turns out so far that they would prefer continuing hero quest given the choice.
Overall it was a very worth while Kickstarter investment and Dungeon Saga is now one of the top 3 games we play.
1. Hero quest with all my modular tiles and the coloured combat dice and my custom cards.
2. Zombicide Black Plague (can't wait for the Kickstarter bonuses and the wokfsburg expansion to arrive)
3. Dungeon Saga.
Oh also despite all the issues in the Kickstarter comments I have found mantic very good with customer service. I have recieved good communication and refunds for missing or poor components. It will be a while before mantic sorts out all the issues with the missing quests and adventurers companion but it seems like they are trying hard from my experience to do the best by all their REASONABLE customers.