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Reaper Bones III

PostPosted: Tuesday June 9th, 2015 5:11pm
by IvenBach
Anyone else have interest in this? I haven't had any chance to go through my Bones II from last year, let alone the first Bones...

Re: Reaper Bones III

PostPosted: Tuesday June 9th, 2015 6:00pm
by LordZeke
I've been slowly going through mine, not quite as fast as I would like but life gets in the way of gaming sometimes.

I am interested to see what they are going to offer this go around.

Re: Reaper Bones III

PostPosted: Wednesday June 10th, 2015 12:53am
by Sjeng
I'll watch it, but won't back. Too many miniatures now, and the last one cost me €60,- import taxes alone. Wow. Staggering. Not worth it anymore.

Re: Reaper Bones III

PostPosted: Wednesday June 10th, 2015 1:44am
by drathe
Way too soon. Less than a year from the last one. I still haven't received my Bones II. They're waiting at my pickup depot across the border, but I'm still waiting for my Reaper CAV kickstarter to be shipped so I can pick them up all at once. Maybe if I get a better paying job once I'm done my certification courses next month I'll reward myself with some more minis I have no room for.

Re: Reaper Bones III

PostPosted: Wednesday June 10th, 2015 2:19am
by knightkrawler
I backed Bones I and learned my lesson.
Too many bad sculpts, too much useless stuff, material quality was crappy, with the notable exception of larger figures where the PVC makes sense.
Bones II I was disinterested in, but I'll try some interesting minis. Beastmen, especially. But what I need I'll get for under 30 bucks.
Bones III. Way too soon, comes off as greedy. I'll follow, won't back, and make a list of possibilities offered by individual minis in there.

Re: Reaper Bones III

PostPosted: Wednesday June 10th, 2015 5:14am
by Diggin
Bones is pretty awesome.. so many sculpts i like and it's all cheap as... as Bones!
But there's also so many sculpts i would never ever use.

I don't think the company needs to use kickstarter for this as they should have a cash flow from the previous two kickstarts already.
I'l just order bones3 minis from their site once they are finished.

Re: Reaper Bones III

PostPosted: Wednesday June 10th, 2015 7:19am
by Anderas
The material is good as it is plastic-like and not resin.
But afterwards I was looking at the sculpts and didn't like many. If I buy an entire package, there has to be a more than 70% what I like or otherwise the Kickstarter discount isn't a discount.

Let's see. I wait what comes.

Re: Reaper Bones III

PostPosted: Wednesday June 10th, 2015 1:14pm
by whitebeard
There are many Bones I minis which are out of stock. You would think they would restock the popular ones before running yet another kick starter. It seems they do very little else now.

Re: Reaper Bones III

PostPosted: Wednesday June 10th, 2015 7:53pm
by IvenBach
I'm interested in seeing what they have available. I openly agree that some of the minis I'll never use and some of minis are utter tragedies. Depending on what is part of the kickstarter I'd be willing to split it or trade with members for ones they want.

Re: Reaper Bones III

PostPosted: Thursday June 11th, 2015 10:41am
by cornixt
If I had got Bones 1 then I wouldn't have bought Bones II (which I did). Since then I ordered a few more bones miniatures to fill the existing gaps. There is no need for me to get Bones III, and I probably won't. I am still pleased with the models I got from Bones II - if I'd bought the ones I wanted singly then it would have come to more than the $100 I spent, and I wouldn't have an extra 50 models for random stuff like teaching my kids how to paint. The massive variety means that I can fill out games with so many different creatures.

The one downside is that mould lines are hard to remove - the plastic flexes so much that filing doesn't work well. But the detail is more than adequate, and the models will never break even if roughly treated.