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Zombicide: Black Plague

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Re: Zombicide: Black Plague

Postby IvenBach » Monday July 6th, 2015 8:03pm

$4,078,954 and it has finished. Now the wait begins...

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Re: Zombicide: Black Plague

Postby QorDaq » Wednesday July 8th, 2015 5:19pm

Anderas wrote:I was just reducing my King Pledge to normal pledge.

I don't need Grin and Scowl miniatures; and for the Wulfburg expansion, i can get it after i know my family likes the game. And apart from that there is very little added value. One more KS exclusive mini - no need for that.

Plus, now i have possibly the space (in € ) left over for the skeleton archers. I will wait for the pledge manager to decide on these, though.

Yeah, I pretty much did the same. It was tempting to go back up to Knight with all the last minute Knight exclusives... But I hate being manipulated, which is how that kind of felt so I stuck to my guns... Surprisingly little buyer's remorse after the fact, so I think I chose well. And, you really do get a ton of stuff with the basic pledge.

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Re: Zombicide: Black Plague

Postby IvenBach » Wednesday July 8th, 2015 7:34pm

QorDaq wrote:Surprisingly little buyer's remorse after the fact, so I think I chose well. And, you really do get a ton of stuff with the basic pledge.

The only time I'd figure one wouldn't have any is if it's something that has no appeal whatsoever in any way. Other than that I figure a little is justifiable. I picked up extra copies as possible gifts to friends that have expressed interest in it. If they end up not interested in it I'll msg you about some of the Knight only stuff.

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Re: Zombicide: Black Plague

Postby Anderas » Thursday July 9th, 2015 11:41am

I have seen a Zombicide Season 3 unboxing from a full Kickstarter delivery.
I thought about the room in my cupboard.
I thought that i don't want a cubic metre of Zombicide, but just a game.
I reduced my pledge and cancelled any extras.

And now, some days later, i think it was right to do so! It will be a cubic metre anyway that's waiting to be delivered by this year. I guess it starts with Thantos' stuff which i hope to hold in my hands before August or maybe mid of August.

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Re: Zombicide: Black Plague

Postby QorDaq » Friday July 10th, 2015 1:35pm

IvenBach wrote:
QorDaq wrote:Surprisingly little buyer's remorse after the fact, so I think I chose well. And, you really do get a ton of stuff with the basic pledge.

The only time I'd figure one wouldn't have any is if it's something that has no appeal whatsoever in any way. Other than that I figure a little is justifiable. I picked up extra copies as possible gifts to friends that have expressed interest in it. If they end up not interested in it I'll msg you about some of the Knight only stuff.

That would be great, Ivan thank you. The only Knight-only that really had me waffling was Grin the Necromancer... And the missing Heroes a smidgen but not quite enough to make me spend the extra 50$...

I hope your friends want it all, but if not yeah let me know.

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Re: Zombicide: Black Plague

Postby Sjeng » Saturday July 11th, 2015 4:15pm

You should have pledged Knight, then sold off the Wolfsburg box for $50,- on eBay, and keep the exclusives. ;)
Which you can still do in the PM by the way.
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Re: Zombicide: Black Plague

Postby IvenBach » Saturday July 11th, 2015 4:19pm

Sh..... It's a secret to everybody. Don't let him in on it ;) . Why you think I picked up extra copies? You keeping your copy Sjeng?

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Re: Zombicide: Black Plague

Postby Lemmeron » Sunday July 12th, 2015 9:46am

I am thinking of using a few of the zombie wolves as my ones for the wolves in hero quest, just painting them up to look like artic wolves or normal ones

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Re: Zombicide: Black Plague

Postby QorDaq » Sunday July 12th, 2015 10:49am

Sjeng wrote:You should have pledged Knight, then sold off the Wolfsburg box for $50,- on eBay, and keep the exclusives. ;)
Which you can still do in the PM by the way.

Frankly the cash needed to go elsewhere... Which is also part of why I am not feeling the buyer's remorse, because I really "Should" have cancelled the whole order....*Chuckle*...
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Re: Zombicide: Black Plague

Postby QorDaq » Tuesday December 22nd, 2015 1:49am


I received my Core game on Saturday. Got to open it up and look at it all on Sunday, but just now getting around to posting over here.

Game looks great. Rules have fixed some minor things from the other games in the series, not the least of which being ranged targeting priority--only target allies when you miss the zombies instead of hitting your friends first. Also, no more wound cards (yay) you now simply track HP.

The minis look great and would be awesome for HQ alternate characters... Though the "Elf" and the Dwarf" would work fine as is. Also, the miniatures are a new hard plastic, thus less rubbery and weapons and the like are straight and unlikely to warp into odd shapes. Flip-side, is that they are potentially A LOT more brittle than those minis found in previous games. Though the storage system that comes with Z:BP is a little better than previous games as well.

The cards are nice. They are also color-coded so you can tell at a glance which ones are starting gear, "Special", and standard search items.

The character cards are a little small and VERY thin, but look good overall and fit nicely in the new plastic dashboards.

The dashboards are really cool, but VERY thin--I don't know how well they'll hold up over time, but I love them anyway.

And finally, the Tiles... They look great. Very thematic and would work really well for laying out part of a town or village in HQ. I have seen some reports of the Tiles curling and warping after being unwrapped and left on the table for a few hours. So far I have not experienced this myself, but I am waiting for it.

Overall, nice looking game, several improved elements (such as rules and dashboards!), over previous iterations, and I am very glad I invested.

Also, as an addenda, I did end up increasing my backer-level...*Chuckle*... Once the rest of the stuff is shipped (sometime Q1 2016), I'll know for sure how I feel about upping my pledge, but as of now, based on my first impressions, I think I'll still be happy.

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