by QorDaq » Tuesday June 30th, 2015 6:50pm
Well now, latest update and there are some pros and cons...
Down side is that for the first time GG has added a new game mechanic that is both a game changer (potentially) as well as not being added to the base game--sort of. I did not know about S-1 or 2 at the time that they were on KS, so Zombie Dogs or Companions may have been the first examples).
Regardless, the good news is that Skeletal Zombie Deadyey's that is, have just been added to Black Plague... Which is the first truly new type of Undead added to the game this KS. Which bodes well for the possibility of other Undead types to come. Even if they do technically still call them Zombies they are clearly Skeletal Archers.
As mentioned above, this is an additional buy in though, and unlike say Zombie Crows from S-3, we have not been offered any "Free Samples" so far. The Zombie Deadeye pack costs an additional 22 USD, and will be available for retail (not an exclusive to the KS campaign).
I have mixed feelings here, as Zombies with ranged attacks will change the game significantly more in my opinion than will say; a special type of Abomination with a unique ability... Or the unique Necromancers for that matter, since they are Walkers and would likely show up more often. So including them as an add-on not a stretch goal is a little sad. But hey, Skeletal Archers...*Woot*...
It's also possible that they have revealed the add-on first to entice people to increase their pledges and could always throw the sample pack and a few cards in as a later SG. I hope so.
Interested in hearing the thoughts of others on this one. That is; Mechanics discussion, Add-on strategy, or just the idea of adding a really new Zombie type to the game.
Post Script - 100th Post... Woo-Hoo...*Chuckle*...
maj! = Klingon word for "Good". Used in the context of "I approve".
- vay' DaneHbogh yIchargh!