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Zombicide: Black Plague

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Zombicide: Black Plague

Postby Sjeng » Tuesday June 9th, 2015 12:56am

Snagged me an early bird: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/co ... ck-plague/

oh, and GK?


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Re: Zombicide: Black Plague

Postby QorDaq » Tuesday June 9th, 2015 4:18pm

I missed the early bird (would have paid for most of shipping), but I did jump in on the KS myself. As mentioned elsewhere, I am looking forward to using the tiles for sprawling city/village streets and alleys as much as the game itself in some ways. Need a quick town to represent the target of a recent Goblin raid? Bingo!. And I imagine that Cynthia (on these forums), would likely find some uses for her Zombie hoard ideas...*Chuckle*...

I also really like the new plastic dashboards. Interestingly, they are so intuitive in nature, that my five year old (who watched the video without sound over my shoulder), understood the purpose of everything on the dashboard... Kudos to GG for creating such an intuitive interface...

Anyway, I am very patient, so I am not chomping at the bit yet, but I will be watching the KS closely to see what gets unlocked as the project progresses.

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Re: Zombicide: Black Plague

Postby IvenBach » Tuesday June 9th, 2015 5:26pm

The more I see of zombicide products the more I like. The miniatures look very well done. How interchangeable are they with HQ minis? Are the sizes comparable? I'm none too picky if they size is a little off since once they are painted and on the board nobody seems to care. I'm definitely watching this one as it progresses.
Last edited by IvenBach on Tuesday June 9th, 2015 6:09pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Zombicide: Black Plague

Postby Goblin-King » Tuesday June 9th, 2015 5:32pm

Ho hoo! Very nice! :P

But what's up with the name "Hitch"?
Arcadia Quest also did a Goblin King homage ALSO named Hitch!


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Re: Zombicide: Black Plague

Postby Sjeng » Wednesday June 10th, 2015 12:50am

Goblin-King wrote:Ho hoo! Very nice! :P

But what's up with the name "Hitch"?
Arcadia Quest also did a Goblin King homage ALSO named Hitch!

I know, and AQ is also CMoN. It's a crossover. I hope to see more. (Blackadder, king george/richard "fresh horses!", grace jones, etc)

Now they added Xena!
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Re: Zombicide: Black Plague

Postby QorDaq » Thursday June 11th, 2015 3:58pm

IvenBach wrote:The more I see of zombicide products the more I like. The miniatures look very well done. How interchangeable are they with HQ minis? Are the sizes comparable? I'm none too picky if they size is a little off since once they are painted and on the board nobody seems to care. I'm definitely watching this one as it progresses.

Overall i'd say you could get away with mixing some of the Z-Cide zombies in with HQ. Though HQ being GW sculpts are a bit "Burly" in comparison. Weapons in particular on Z-Cide sculpts are less "Heroic" in scale, though the minis themselves are good-sized. There are few zombies from the first three seasons of Z-Cide that would really mesh theme-wise however, being that they are "Modern" in design.

That said, some of the larger minis (Some Fatties and most Abominations in particular), could work pretty well as "Boss" types in my opinion, as they have less modern gear on them. Both C-Dogs and Z-Dogs could work as well. The S-3 Crows could also be a neat addition as a new creature type in HQ.

Now, with the impending Z-Cide BP being set in a fantasy setting, I feel that there will be many more options for some unique Boss-types available, not to mention that some of the Heroes/Survivors may be functional as well. Especially as NPCs I think.

But yeah, back to your original question; The scale will be a little different, and the style of the sculpts are VERY different, however considering how much people mix and match minis in HQ now, I'd say it's doable.

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Re: Zombicide: Black Plague

Postby IvenBach » Thursday June 11th, 2015 9:04pm

Much of what I was wanting to hear Qordaq. I'd love to see some players faces open a HQ to see a fatty get placed behind the open door.
:dwarf: Tha dunna be un averg zombee...

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Re: Zombicide: Black Plague

Postby Sjeng » Friday June 12th, 2015 1:19pm

Z:BP is especially fit for HQ with all those fantasy characters and zombies. They have zombie dwarves, wolves, male and female NPC zombies and lots of heroes. Many can also be used as townfolk.
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Re: Zombicide: Black Plague

Postby QorDaq » Friday June 12th, 2015 2:27pm

Sjeng wrote:Z:BP is especially fit for HQ with all those fantasy characters and zombies. They have zombie dwarves, wolves, male and female NPC zombies and lots of heroes. Many can also be used as townfolk.

Not to mention the tiles (which I have mentioned actually, probably several times now...*Grin*...), I really feel the modular nature of these tiles will offer some interesting options for Town-based adventures.

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Re: Zombicide: Black Plague

Postby Anderas » Friday June 12th, 2015 2:52pm

Does anybody have experience with their sculpts?
their models as presented in the Kickstarter look quite good but I am unsure about that company. Well. I know nothing about them.

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