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GW videogames

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GW videogames

Postby Sjeng » Saturday January 17th, 2015 2:57am

All of the Steam GW games are on sale https://www.humblebundle.com/store/promo/gamesworkshop
Might be a good time to pick up Warhammer Quest and Space Hulk ;)
Check out my YouTube channel Boardgame Heaven, and drop me a sub please!

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Re: GW videogames

Postby Goblin-King » Saturday January 17th, 2015 5:46am

Can anybody recommend any of them?
I played:

Dawn of War :greyorb: :greyorb: :redorb: :redorb: :redorb:
Pretty good RTS actually. Graphics are sadly a bit too dated for my taste

Dawn of War II :redorb: :redorb: :redorb: :redorb: :redorb:
RTS where you don't build bases but just produce and micro your troops.
Instead of elimination you capture and control victory points.
Very different from most other RTSs, but because of that, also an acquired taste.
If you don't care about single player campaign, I recommend "Retribution"; it's the newest and has the most races and stages.
The different versions aren't expansions that gets integrated into the main game, but separate games.

Space Hulk :greyorb: :greyorb: :greyorb: :greyorb: :redorb:
It's pretty much a 1:1 version of the board game.
But it's difficult and clunky to control. The marines are slow as heck. Graphic is very samey the whole way through.
It's all dice/random based just like the board game - but unlike a board game I don't like losing in a video game because of bad luck.

Blood Bowl :greyorb: :greyorb: :greyorb: :greyorb: :redorb:
Do you like reading and understanding a whole rulebook before playing a game?
Good, because that's what Blood Bowl feels like...
Once again what seems like a 1:1 version of the board game.
Where SH just didn't really work for me as a video game, BB is even worse because the rules for the game is just more complex.
Not action packed at all!

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Re: GW videogames

Postby The Road Warrior » Saturday January 17th, 2015 8:32am

I may have already mentioned this many times :oops:

Warhammer Quest :redorb: :redorb: :redorb: :redorb: :redorb: :redorb: :redorb: :redorb: :redorb: :greyorb:
Looks great. Plays very well. I love being able to play WHQ without having to deal with the board game's combat system.
It loses half a point because it needs more variety in the random events and the quest text for the random quests becomes very repetitive. i gave it 9/10 because 4/5 seemed a bit harsh.
Finally, I found this game is only really worth playing on hardcore mode.
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Re: GW videogames

Postby Gold Bearer » Sunday January 18th, 2015 8:40am

Dark Omen! :D Old but great. I'll post my chaos campaign mod when it's done.
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Re: GW videogames

Postby Thantos » Sunday January 18th, 2015 8:58am

Awesome! Thanks for the heads up! Will pick up a few of these ... and play them in a few months time lol
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Re: GW videogames

Postby Infje » Monday January 19th, 2015 9:33am

Admittely, most of the GW games are pretty crappy. The new Warhammer Quest is a direct port from the iOS version and doesn't take advantage of the PC's control capabilities. It also relies heavily on micro transactions. All in all certainly not worth the money they are asking for it. Space Hulk is really horrible. Just check out the user reviews. A friend of mine bought it and it's atrocious. No, the only save bets are the Dawn of War franchise (excellent games and expansions) plus the Space Marine shooter.

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Re: GW videogames

Postby slev » Monday January 19th, 2015 10:27am

Space Marine is a fantastic 3PS, which is completely faithful to the eithos and feel of 40k.

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Re: GW videogames

Postby Sjeng » Tuesday January 20th, 2015 8:08am

Cool :D
Well, not buying any myself, even though WHQ looks tempting. But my steam backlog is rediculous. So many games I still want to play, but just can't find time for. *looks at the Bioshock trilogy, AC series, ...*
Check out my YouTube channel Boardgame Heaven, and drop me a sub please!

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Re: GW videogames

Postby Thantos » Thursday January 22nd, 2015 9:15am

Did anyone play the Chaos Gate pc game? I loved that, released in 1998 turn based ultramarine strategy
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Re: GW videogames

Postby Goblin-King » Sunday June 26th, 2016 1:48pm


So once again, all GW games are on sale.
Once again I'll recommend Dawn of War 2: Retribution.

Warhammer Quest deluxe with all the DLC for €2,79

Anyone tried Space Hulk: Ascension?

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