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Postby wolfie907 » Tuesday January 13th, 2015 10:38pm

monolith games is running a kickstart for the original barbarian https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/806316071/conan check it out

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Re: conan

Postby Jafazo » Wednesday January 14th, 2015 1:52am

Looks pretty good. Im not too excited about it and dont like the price but it seems like a nice game.
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Re: conan

Postby Goblin-King » Wednesday January 14th, 2015 5:35am

From a glance at the miniatures and materials I'd say this seems to be very true to the source material.
And no Red Sonja, who was never a Conan character.

The minis look very nice.

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Re: conan

Postby Anderas » Wednesday January 14th, 2015 1:01pm

On the one hand, the gaming boards are looking really really good.
On the other hand it's 32mm; so not really fitting; and then it is the same monster 5 times instead of having 5 different monsters.

Hm. And, the game board is promising some kind of advanced game mechanism - huge squares with several models fitting inside; interesting! With a concept like that, Base size does matter, and the square size as well.

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Re: conan

Postby ruiza97 » Wednesday January 14th, 2015 4:00pm

i've pledged

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Re: conan

Postby wolfie907 » Thursday January 15th, 2015 2:34am

I promised myself no more kickstarts after I got burned by centerstage but reh is my favorite author and I grew up reading conan by sisters middle name is belit my uncles used to read savage swords and id always get them when they were done one of my uncles sons middle name is conan I watched conan the barbarian at least 100 times so I was very excited by this game

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Re: conan

Postby Big Bene » Thursday January 15th, 2015 7:55am

I like the overall style and atmophere of the game, and I see (and appreciate) their intention to stay true to the books (as opposed to the films and comics). But then again, the level of "authenticy" is what breaks it for me, because it makes me unconsciousely compare it with the pictures I had in my head when reading the books, beeing much more critical than I would be if the approach were less exacting. Of course, one can't blame the artists, it's just me, but for me, it doesn't work.

The picts should be rather wirily build, end certainly not more massive than Conan himself.
Belit is, even though little fabric is involved, dressed up to the nines like an Indian princess, with an almost baroque hairdo, whereas she should awe everyone by her raw beauty without any adornement. How does she fight in all these necklaces?
The snake has a hydrocephalus and dragon-like features. Is it a snake at all?
Thak the ape-man is build like three gorillas. He could never be mistaken for the red priest from behind.
Conan's hair is too long (it's always described as shoulder-long), and he looks quite dumb, what he never was in the books.
The "Hyperborean primitive" is ... what?! Some kind of undead? Hyperboreans are describes as tall, gaunt and pale, one could call their look "bony", but they are still humans, and have certainly not real skulls for heads.
The skulptor also seems to have some faible for serratus muscles. You can see this expecially in Conan the mercenary and in Zogar Sag. They look somehow weird.
Have a look ;)

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Re: conan

Postby cornixt » Thursday January 15th, 2015 11:02am

I don't understand why there are so many of the same models. Are you really going to be fighting 15 at the same time? It would have been nice to have a bit more variety amongst them too. Very nice looking models though.

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Re: conan

Postby knightkrawler » Thursday January 15th, 2015 11:09am

Big Bene wrote:I like the overall style and atmophere of the game, and I see (and appreciate) their intention to stay true to the books (as opposed to the films and comics). But then again, the level of "authenticy" is what breaks it for me, because it makes me unconsciousely compare it with the pictures I had in my head when reading the books, beeing much more critical than I would be if the approach were less exacting. Of course, one can't blame the artists, it's just me, but for me, it doesn't work.

The picts should be rather wirily build, end certainly not more massive than Conan himself.
Belit is, even though little fabric is involved, dressed up to the nines like an Indian princess, with an almost baroque hairdo, whereas she should awe everyone by her raw beauty without any adornement. How does she fight in all these necklaces?
The snake has a hydrocephalus and dragon-like features. Is it a snake at all?
Thak the ape-man is build like three gorillas. He could never be mistaken for the red priest from behind.
Conan's hair is too long (it's always described as shoulder-long), and he looks quite dumb, what he never was in the books.
The "Hyperborean primitive" is ... what?! Some kind of undead? Hyperboreans are describes as tall, gaunt and pale, one could call their look "bony", but they are still humans, and have certainly not real skulls for heads.
The skulptor also seems to have some faible for serratus muscles. You can see this expecially in Conan the mercenary and in Zogar Sag. They look somehow weird.

I have read only three or four Conan stories, the first in chronology by REH himself, and already I concur with each and every point BB makes here.
In attempting to be Conan-credible, the game fails which basically boils down to the art and sculpting. The art in particular, AGAIN, like SO MANY OTHER GAMES NOWADAYS, strikes me as hitting the same chord AGAIN. Talking World of Warcraft generic computer generated (looking) unoriginal art here.
I prefer the style of Super Dungeon Explore or Dark Age or Anima Tactics or whatever looks different than their peers, any day.
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Re: conan

Postby ruiza97 » Thursday January 15th, 2015 2:51pm

cornixt wrote:I don't understand why there are so many of the same models. Are you really going to be fighting 15 at the same time? It would have been nice to have a bit more variety amongst them too. Very nice looking models though.

They will be alternate sculpts representing different armed skeletons. I don't think the pics highlight this but the updates do.

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