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Dark Tower

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Dark Tower

Postby Milk » Wednesday July 22nd, 2009 11:57pm

I was chatting with a friend about old dungeon crawls and board games the other day and was trying to explain a particular game to him that no one ever seems to know what the hell I'm talking when I bring it up, and unfortuantely did not know the name of, that I used to own as a kid back in the 80s. Well, thanks to the powers of Google and some crafty word searches, I found it: Dark Tower. Anyone remember this thing? Owned it? Played it? or even own it now? After reading up on it on the net, I wish I still owned it. Damn, was this game awesome.
I know I never actually got to play this game the way it was truly supposed to be played as, if I recall correctly, I was missing some pieces (it was purchased for probably $1.50 at a garage sale back in the mid-late 80s) but truthfully, that didn't matter. It was just kickass on it's own accord - playable or not - especially to an 8 or 9 year old kid. Plus, to top it all off, Orson Wells did the advert. Man MB created some great stuff in the 80s.

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Re: Dark Tower

Postby drathe » Thursday July 30th, 2009 9:00am

Wow... that thing is old. I totally forgot how old electronics displayed and sounded. Takes me back to ancient hand-held games by Coleco which were mainly just red lights or black liquid crystal. Looks interesting though. I, like your friends, have also never heard of it before. Are the displays on the tower only for the player it's facing to see? Or was the purpose just to GM and let the player know what was happening on their turn, rather than rolling various dice and referring to multiple charts?

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Re: Dark Tower

Postby Milk » Tuesday September 15th, 2009 3:07pm

From what I recall, each player used the Tower's display on his/her turn. I think it was used for commands, hints, info and the like. Therefore, the tower was rotated to each subsequent player for each turn. Wish I could remember more, but alas, I can't.
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Re: Dark Tower

Postby HeroQuestFrance » Thursday December 10th, 2009 6:56am

For sure it's old ! mamamia 1981 !

I don't really like electronic into boardgames anyway.

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Re: Dark Tower

Postby kboleen » Sunday August 22nd, 2010 8:40pm

I played a web based version of this and if that game was true to the board game, it was actually kind of boring. Maybe it is better with more players.

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Re: Dark Tower

Postby el_flesh » Sunday August 22nd, 2010 11:33pm

oh man...I wish I hadn't followed that link...because under it is an outtake of Orson Welles, DRUNK totally screwing up a booze commercial.

sad, sad, sad....

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Re: Dark Tower

Postby ndsandman » Monday August 23rd, 2010 12:41am

I thought I saw today Dark Tower was worth over $400.00 will check eBay and boardgamegeek again.
Will edit and link if I find it LOL

Link to a crazy one on eBay selling
http://cgi.ebay.com/Milton-Bradley-Dark ... ltDomain_0

http://cgi.ebay.com/New-never-used-DARK ... ltDomain_0

http://cgi.ebay.com/Milton-Bradley-DARK ... ltDomain_0

OK OK I'll stop with the are these people crazy or just the ones that would pay for them :)
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