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Heroica (LEGO)

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Re: Heroica (LEGO)

Postby TMU » Saturday April 30th, 2016 2:08pm

The point of lego was that you can build anything you want with them. Nowadays it seems the point is to buy a set and do something from the instructions. Are kids lazy and uncreative? No. Are parents thinking kids will enjoy something already designed to be cooler than old normal bricks? Probably. Can parents buy normal old fashioned lego? Yes and no. Parents are somewhat forced to buy these modern lego buildings and such. I loved lego. It is sad to see no basic bricks are on the markets anymore. :cry:
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Re: Heroica (LEGO)

Postby torilen » Sunday May 1st, 2016 8:47am

I agree with your point...it is hard to find regular lego blocks nowadays, but some of the sets can be a lot of fun.
We've bought my son some of the Scooby Doo lego sets...we build them together, me and him, and then play
Scooby Doo with them. I think it would be pretty hard for us to build the Scooby Doo van and plane and such
without the proper bricks or instructions. You'd be amazed at the detail that goes into making them look right.

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Re: Heroica (LEGO)

Postby Goblin-King » Sunday May 1st, 2016 9:25am

Regular blocks... Nowadays... Get a grip!

Come on that's adults talking. I can't remember EVER wishing for a big ol' bag of regular bricks as a kid. Not ever.
I wanted castles and space stations. I wanted equipment and weapons. I wanted those blocks with computer screens printed on them.
Sure I built the castle and the space station using the manual (which by the way teaches a lot of useful skills as well).
But at the end of the day I tore the castle down and built my own stuff from imagination. But you needed a lot of specialized pieces to really make your ideas come to life.
Anyone craving regular blocks don't remember being a kid!


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Re: Heroica (LEGO)

Postby TMU » Sunday May 1st, 2016 9:43am

Remember that I am the closest thing to a kid here is ;)
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Re: Heroica (LEGO)

Postby Anderas » Monday May 2nd, 2016 1:44am

I had a lot of those regular bricks inherited from an older sibling. I used them, but the real stars in my arsenal had been the space ship stuff, transparent antennas, a working blue flicker light and such things. These, I loved.

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Re: Heroica (LEGO)

Postby cornixt » Monday May 2nd, 2016 9:37am

Regular bricks are easy to buy, and in more colors than ever. My local Target has several boxes you can get. The crappy thing about these boxes is that they include far too many small pieces that are effectively useless for building.

Modern kits have a lot more specialist parts than they used to. Some are a great addition (ball sockets, new hinges, multi-sided connectors) and others are so purpose-specific that you'd never use them for anything else. More recent kits have started encouraging re-use of kits into different things, for a while there (even after the Lego Movie) they had single-design kits that didn't even have a hint of how to change it to something else. Looks like they have changed gear in the last year and started becoming more like it was in the 80s.

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