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Heroica (LEGO)

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Re: Lego Heroica

Postby Daedalus » Wednesday April 27th, 2016 4:55pm

Goblin-King wrote:I don't like the fact it's a weird scale. That sort of prevent you from using regular stuff.
Of course you could just scale everything up I guess...

The advantage is in the "large" dungeon that can be built on almost any table. Of course, normal Lego scale has a lot more eye candy to offer--at a cost. Check out this example.

slev wrote:
Baylor_OgreBane wrote:I always thought the plural for lego is lego, like fish or sheep, lego's sounds weird to me!

Yeah, It always annoys me when people (typically from North America) use Legos as a plural instead of Lego.

Then again, it also annoys me when they use "sports" instead of "sport" and "math" instead of "maths", and other such.

Noah Webster is largely to blame. Being as American spelling reformer, he sought to simplify what he saw as some of the more confusing British spellings.

Lego vs. Legos can't be blamed on any dictionary guy, however, as these variant plural usages apparently came about informally. The official plural used by the makers is "Lego bricks"-- I looked it up. Not that that really changes how we feel.

slev wrote:It's a pet peve. I'm not seriously annoyed with you all or anything. Not ment as a personal attack.

It's much like the Oscar Wylde quote really.

I'm not that well read. What quote is that?

knightkrawler wrote:
cornixt wrote:
knightkrawler wrote:*spelled LEGO's... there we go

I think it's ten times worse that you put an apostrophe on a plural than pluralising an already plural word.


[Decipher may have been the victim of a spelling prompter. When I typed in “Legos” on my smartphone using Google, it was automatically changed to “Lego’s”, much to my chagrin.

by the way, shouldn’t the US plural be spelled Legoes, like heroes or tomatoes? Apparently, the Internet didn't pay attention in school. -edit]

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Re: Heroica (LEGO)

Postby Daedalus » Thursday April 28th, 2016 1:06am

A fan shows what you can do with Heroica scale.



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Re: Heroica (LEGO)

Postby Baylor_OgreBane » Friday April 29th, 2016 3:33pm

Does this mean I can talk about Lego again or not?

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Re: Heroica (LEGO)

Postby StratosVX » Saturday April 30th, 2016 12:54am

Baylor_OgreBane wrote:Does this mean I can talk about Lego again or not?

Only if you want people to leave the Inn. ;)

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Re: Heroica (LEGO)

Postby knightkrawler » Saturday April 30th, 2016 2:00am

Baylor_OgreBane wrote:Does this mean I can talk about Lego again or not?

Just don't metion Legos. |_P
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Re: Heroica (LEGO)

Postby The Admiral » Saturday April 30th, 2016 4:49am

knightkrawler wrote:
Baylor_OgreBane wrote:Does this mean I can talk about Lego again or not?

Just don't metion Legos. |_P

Well, my next :elf: just found a name!

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Re: Heroica (LEGO)

Postby Anderas » Saturday April 30th, 2016 9:42am

:D perfect name for an Elf. :)

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Re: Heroica (LEGO)

Postby Baylor_OgreBane » Saturday April 30th, 2016 11:05am

I guess I'll just have to talk about mega blocks instead!
On a side note, I haven't played Heroica yet. There was a point here in the UK its was all over the place for a bit and then eventually kind of vanished, along with most of the "Lego Brick" board game collections.
I get the scale thing, but think it would be more appealing standard "Lego Brick" scale (as in no super mini men) I am surprised that a whole role play universe didn't just pop up out of the blue for it (I say that because I haven't seen one, and not actively looked)

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Re: Heroica (LEGO)

Postby StratosVX » Saturday April 30th, 2016 12:48pm

Baylor_OgreBane wrote:I guess I'll just have to talk about mega blocks instead!
On a side note, I haven't played Heroica yet. There was a point here in the UK its was all over the place for a bit and then eventually kind of vanished, along with most of the "Lego Brick" board game collections.
I get the scale thing, but think it would be more appealing standard "Lego Brick" scale (as in no super mini men) I am surprised that a whole role play universe didn't just pop up out of the blue for it (I say that because I haven't seen one, and not actively looked)

It disappeared in my area too. I went to buy a couple of sets for my friend's kid, but no stores around me had them even though they had big selections two years ago.

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Re: Heroica (LEGO)

Postby knightkrawler » Saturday April 30th, 2016 12:56pm

Lego is changing their range pretty freakin' fast these days because of licensing.
They will try to sell in the wake of movies nowadays before coming up with something that will stay classic.
No company in any genre of product wants to produce a classic anymore becaue you can't keep selling to the same customer.
This shortlived consumer mentality and the focus on selling to these people is the biggest crux of our society.

Lego has changed, dudes and dudettes, and it's time to face it.
Everything is shortlived, if not in material quality, then at least in contemporarity (is that a word?) and lasting validity.
It's why TV sets are sold in such small development steps - to sell one person a new set every two years for them "to keep up"
when all that does is entire industries pulling money out of orifices that we didn't even know we had.

Sorry for the rant.
Many many things and thingmakers and thingsellers need to be boycotted for society to have a chance to grow healthier again.
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