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Starting equipment

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Starting equipment

Postby Vorimir » Wednesday September 11th, 2024 5:58am

I'm allowing Dwarf and barbarian to change theie starting weapon with:
-Barbarian: Barbarian greatsword. This great sword attack woth 4 dices but the barbarian will roll one less defense dice. You can't use a shield. 250 gold coins.

-Dwarf: Long handle axe: This axe attacks with 3 dices but you can't use a shield. 150 gold coins.

I'm also allowing the barbarian to pick a optional starting skill inspired by the japanese edition. It can only be choosen in the first quest and never later.
Vanguard warrior: You can wear plate armour without movement penalty but you can't use proyectile weapons (but you can use throwing weapons).

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Re: Starting equipment

Postby The Admiral » Wednesday September 11th, 2024 6:09am

I'm happy with the Barbarian starting with a Broadsword. I have always started my Dwarf with the Hand Axe.

To make it more thematic, but keep it simple, I give the Dwarf/Barbarian alternatives for some weapons: Greatsword for the Battleaxe, Warhammer for the Broadsword.

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Re: Starting equipment

Postby cornixt » Wednesday September 11th, 2024 9:49am

What upgrade path do you see those characters having if you start them with better weapons?

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Re: Starting equipment

Postby Vorimir » Wednesday September 11th, 2024 10:06am

They still can go shield + longsword or battle axe. I think both weapons are more focused on getting a battle axe but they still need armor, helmet, a longsword to attack diagonally or even a crossbow. If the barbarian gets the Vanguard skill he has to get enougj money for the plate. There is plenty of room for advancement.

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Re: Starting equipment

Postby Bareheaded Warrior » Wednesday September 11th, 2024 10:39am

I start my Barbarian, Dwarf and Elf with a Shortsword and my Wizard with a Staff. That way it gives them plenty of room to advance by earning gold and purchasing equipment cards that give them "upgrades" which is HQ's advancement system. That said the Barbarian does get an extra combat dice in attack, so still gets 3CD in attack as his starting value.

Ignoring armour and missile weapons (because a hero can buy armour and a crossbow whatever other equipment he has) a hero equipped with a starting weapon of a Shortsword has the following 4-5 advancement steps available...

Shortsword (2AD) -> Spear (Diagonal) / Hand Axe (Missile) -> Broadsword (+1AD) -> Longsword (+1AD & Diagonal) -> Battle Axe (+2AD)

If you start the Barbarian on the Broadsword then he has only 2 steps, the Barbarian Greatsword really only 1 step and the Dwarf with a Long-handled axe then he has only 3 steps. One of the more frequent complaints about HQ, particularly by those that get onto the expansions is the dying out of the advancement system, extending this system is one of the challenges we face in improving the game, shrinking it from the current 4-5 steps down to half that feels like making a known issue worse rather than better.
Last edited by Bareheaded Warrior on Wednesday September 11th, 2024 10:54am, edited 1 time in total.
:skull: = white skull, one "hit"
:blackshield: = black skull, one "hit"
:whiteshield: = shield, cancels out one "hit"

HQ Editions: 1989 Classic Edition (First Edition [FE] and Second Edition [SE]), 1990 NA Remake [NA], 2021 Reprint [21]

HQ Golden Rules Rule Fixes based on the Classic edition.

HQ Common Notification System to identify squares on the board

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Re: Starting equipment

Postby Vorimir » Wednesday September 11th, 2024 10:45am

Yes, I know. Those are just if they want to.Barbarian can start with 4 attack but just defense 1 and no shield so is a bit of a drawback and dwarf can start with attack 3 but no early shield.
We also have an advancement/leveling up system wich is also a gold dump so they have plenty of options.
And rules for advanced monsters and some other stuff so is ok if they have a bit of an edge at the start.

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Re: Starting equipment

Postby The Admiral » Wednesday September 11th, 2024 11:58am

I find the heroes progress pretty quickly without any initial boost. My problem now is with overpowered heroes.

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Re: Starting equipment

Postby Vorimir » Wednesday September 11th, 2024 1:41pm

Advanced monsters and a bit stronger bosses is the way to go.
I use the "danger" system. At the start of every Zargon turn I roll a combat dice. If I get a black shield I pick a danger token (small plastic skulls I bought from a store).
I can spend ine to add one combat dice in a attack or defense roll from a monster. I can also use then to add sime extra monsters or double wandering monsters.

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Re: Starting equipment

Postby The Admiral » Thursday September 12th, 2024 4:36am

Vorimir wrote:Advanced monsters and a bit stronger bosses is the way to go.
I use the "danger" system. At the start of every Zargon turn I roll a combat dice. If I get a black shield I pick a danger token (small plastic skulls I bought from a store).
I can spend ine to add one combat dice in a attack or defense roll from a monster. I can also use then to add sime extra monsters or double wandering monsters.

That's a very clever system. I would make it less chance reliant. One token every so many turns depending on how difficult you want to make it. Attack dice are much stronger than monster defend dice so I would always choose attack, unless they cost two tokens, or maybe give 2 defence dice for a token?

Do you have different token costs for adding monsters? Like 1 for a goblin, 2 for an or etc.?

This is also a great way to encourage a party to get a move on. I use Evil Wizard cards, and they work really well, but your system would be great for people who can't be bothered making cards. Tokens can be any easily obtainable items.

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Re: Starting equipment

Postby Vorimir » Thursday September 12th, 2024 5:07am

I like the randomness and the face of the players looking my dice.
Yeah, I can add a wandering monster in a revealed room of hall paying as many tokens as body points it has. But I can only add the wandering monster of the quest. If they get the wandering monster treasure card I can also pay to add another one.

And yes, I use most for attack, defense only for just tactical.

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