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Dwarvensteel weapons

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Dwarvensteel weapons

Postby Vorimir » Monday July 22nd, 2024 6:57pm

In Kellars Keep heroes can find a dwarvensteel ingot that can be sold for 500 gold coins.
So Inwas thinking of, from time to time, allow heroes to buy dwarvensteel weapons.
It will cost 500 gold coins plus the weapon normal cost (a dwarvensteel longsword should cost 850 gold coins).
You can buy hand to hand weapons, nor a crossbow.

Dwarvensteel has two properties:
Unbreakable: Even if dwarvensteel is not magicsl it will only be destroyed by an effect wich can destroy an artifact (so are inmune to Rust spells). And even so you can roll a combat dice and if you get a white shield the weapon is not broken.
Throwing weapons are not lost and can be recovered after there are no monsters in the place it was throw by expensing an attack action.
Piercing: If you attack an enemy with Defense 3 or more it will roll one less die.

Dwarvensteel armor: If you wear a dwarvensteel chaik mail or plate (+500 gold coins) and a Dwarvensteel helmet (+500 gold coins) you roll an extra dice for Defense.
Dwarvensteel armour are also Unbreakable.

What do you think?

Ogre Warrior
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Re: Dwarvensteel weapons

Postby burglekutt » Thursday August 15th, 2024 1:35pm

Vorimir wrote:Unbreakable: Even if dwarvensteel is not magicsl it will only be destroyed by an effect wich can destroy an artifact (so are inmune to Rust spells). And even so you can roll a combat dice and if you get a white shield the weapon is not broken.

I like that the Dwarvensteel is expensive but weapons have a tendency to last to long as it is in this game and many of us are finding ways to make them more perishable. Take a look at my ideas in the thread "Give armor BodyPoints".

I like the idea of rolling to resist any weapon being destroyed and wish that the Rust spell in general could be resisted with a MindPoint roll since MindPoints are very rarely used.

Vorimir wrote:Throwing weapons are not lost and can be recovered after there are no monsters in the place it was throw by expensing an attack action.

A dagger that can never be lost or broken? Not good. Instead have a " recovery roll" and don't roll a :skull: to find it because its shiny/ strong or something.

Vorimir wrote:"Piercing: If you attack an enemy with Defense 3 or more it will roll one less die.

This this could be way to devastating. I don't get it.

Vorimir wrote:Dwarvensteel armor: If you wear a dwarvensteel chaik mail or plate (+500 gold coins) and a Dwarvensteel helmet (+500 gold coins) you roll an extra dice for Defense.
Dwarvensteel armour are also Unbreakable.

What do you think?

I've been trying to gain support from players to agree that no roll should ever exceed more than 6 Dice, so I'm not on board with this. The armor could allow you to reroll a single DefenseDie though, I might be on board with that.
When it comes to " hero progression/ Leveling" we need to think less permanent & whenever possible should instead require maintenance/ $. That's what I'm shooting for.
Last edited by burglekutt on Friday August 16th, 2024 10:34am, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: Dwarvensteel weapons

Postby Vorimir » Thursday August 15th, 2024 1:46pm

I was trying to use Warhammer rules for dwarvensteel as a guide:
Weapons are almost unbreakable and (if they dont have any extra magical power) they inflict a -1 penalty to armor saves.

Think about the dagger that is never lost: it cost 525 gold coins to make a ranged 1 attack. I forgot to say you need to spend a recovery action with no monsters in sight to get it back.

Ogre Warrior
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