Daedalus wrote:Jesperj now needs approval to post at the Inn. If you don't pay your dues, the Inn's staff takes back your room key.
looks nice

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Daedalus wrote:Jesperj now needs approval to post at the Inn. If you don't pay your dues, the Inn's staff takes back your room key.
Make a small donation to Ye Olde Inn!
Every cent received goes toward Ye Olde Inn's maintenance and allows us to continue providing the best resources for HeroQuest and Fantasy Gaming fans.
Anderas wrote:This Forum is just outdated. Don't ask for features... drathe would have to move everything...
Anderas wrote:Do you know how to do this kind of stuff? And do you have a week to spare?
And I'm a legally blind cancer patient who's quite unemployed at this point largely because my chemo side-effects
Daedalus wrote:If I understand your last post, I should remind drathe of iKareth's offer. Great suggestion! I have in fact reminded him recently. But maybe someone should remind me to remind him again sometime.
Anderas wrote:This Forum is just outdated. Don't ask for features... drathe would have to move everything...
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