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The Dragon Orb

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The Dragon Orb

Postby Thor-in » Wednesday June 16th, 2021 8:28am

Good morning fellow Inn Members.

Been awhile since I have actually posted anything here between the Facebook page and life getting in the way. However in my little space time to myself I have been trying to work on a new quest pack idea, that I'm very loosely basing on Dragon Lance Novels. None of the characters, dragon lances, ext will actually be put into this quest pack.

The "plan" is to have roughly five to six quests in this pack and for the Hero's to be able to defeat the Dragons they will have to find certain artifact weapon/weapons that are in a different Dragon layer.
Best way I can describe it is if you ever played Gauntlet Dark Legacy, too defeat the boss of level one you have to find a secret weapon in like level five I think.
I haven't been able to work on this project in a few weeks but I do plan on finally finishing one.

Here is just a few ideas that I have been throwing around, nothing is set in stone.

Any feed back from members would be welcome like always.


Monter Chart.JPG

Black Dragon Card (2).JPG
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Re: The Dragon Orb

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday June 16th, 2021 12:38pm

With the loss of the Remake's "dragon" quest book (by Joe Manganello, [sp?]) that disappointed some, I'm sure you will find an audience here.

I actually saw a little resin chinese dragon in a shop the other day that was almost the right size (not dinosaur or house sized, but a "big monster" that the Heroes could find together and have some reasonable chance of defeating) and I bought it, thinking of using it in a future quest, so I'm not against the idea myself!

I've played my share of Dark Legacy (in arcades and on the PS2) but I don't remember the secret weapons being a requirement (they just make it a lot easier to beat that boss than if you don't find it). Maybe it's been too long but I seem to remember you got the "bad" ending if you just beat all the bosses, and the "good" ending if you found all the runestones (rather than just enough to "unlock" all the realms). There were some differences between the different console ports (just as there were with the previous Gauntlet Legends, DL was basically an expanded version of it anyway). Correct me if I'm wrong there. Those were fun games, if a bit simple and repetitive... one of the few times I thought a "3d remake" of a classic retro arcade game actually improved upon the original source material.

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Re: The Dragon Orb

Postby iKarith » Thursday June 17th, 2021 7:13am

Thor-in wrote:Here is just a few ideas that I have been throwing around, nothing is set in stone.

Except the dragon orb, I hope?

*whispery, creepy AF dark-souled mage laugh*

Love the concept and the dragon. It's going to be hard to take that thing on.
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Re: The Dragon Orb

Postby Thor-in » Thursday June 17th, 2021 7:19am

Kurgan wrote:I've played my share of Dark Legacy (in arcades and on the PS2) but I don't remember the secret weapons being a requirement (they just make it a lot easier to beat that boss than if you don't find it).

You are correct they were not needed, but fun to find in my opinion.

iKarith wrote:Love the concept and the dragon. It's going to be hard to take that thing on.

Yes it is, in all my free time :?
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Re: The Dragon Orb

Postby The Admiral » Thursday June 17th, 2021 7:47am

Kurgan wrote:With the loss of the Remake's "dragon" quest book (by Joe Manganello, [sp?]) that disappointed some, I'm sure you will find an audience here.

What does this mean please?

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Re: The Dragon Orb

Postby Kurgan » Thursday June 17th, 2021 8:50am

About seven months ago the 2020 Hasbro Remake of Hero Quest had a fundraiser. The final tier was a new quest book (authored by Joe) with new tiles and a new Dragon miniature, but the pledgers failed to reach that goal ($4 million), so it won't be released. I had never heard of this guy before the fundraiser started, but apparently he's a big "dragons" guy in the D&D world, so I figured this would fill the void for those who were hoping his tier got "unlocked."

If you don't believe me, check any online discussion of the fundraiser, and you'll find people hoping for "the dragon" (posted before it ended) or after lamenting that it wasn't reached and hoping it would be released some other way (so far they've stated when a goal isn't reached, that won't be released). I think Hasbro goofed up, because they waited so late in the fundraiser to reveal that goal, so I "blame" them, not the fans. We're still getting two ostensibly brand new quest books (I only really cared about the Stephen Baker one personally, but not to rehash that whole discussion, there's already a mammoth thread on the remake).

So while I didn't care much either way, many of us have come up with our own ways we'd handle such a creature in our homebrew quests.

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Re: The Dragon Orb

Postby The Admiral » Thursday June 17th, 2021 10:41am


I backed out of the new version. I have everything I want with the original stuff and I really didn't like the miniatures. I just hope I can get the new quest books somehow in the future.

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Re: The Dragon Orb

Postby Thor-in » Wednesday November 17th, 2021 3:38pm

Here we go six months later, :lol: .
Here the map idea I started been toying with, nothing set in stone.
The Enterance.png

The Green Dragon.png

Dragon Orb (1).png

I was thinking with the inverted quad map that I could have four dragons that heroes would have to defeat.
One that controlled green skins (goblins, orcs, fimirs, ext)
One that controlled the undead (skeletons, zombies, mummies, ext)
One that controlled beasts (Skavens, beastmen, giants, ext)
The last one controlled chaos (chaos warriors, doom guards, dragon knights (which I think are a new idea), ext)

I liked the idea of the Dark Company map so much (after I picked up an official French copy off eBay) that I started writing the map in that style forgetting that I already made two maps :smack:.

Naturally, I don't have my notes anymore from the first two maps I started writing. The one place I haven't looked is in my work bag. I forgot the notes at home for the quad map, so I can't post them at the moment.
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Re: The Dragon Orb

Postby Thor-in » Friday November 19th, 2021 4:12pm

Anderas did something sweet for me today to aid in my Dragon Orb quest.



Shield Skeletons.
Movement 6
Attack 2
Defend 3
Body 1
Mind 0
Special Ability: If a Hero attacks and no skulls are rolled, the Sheild Skeleton gets an immediate counterattack that can't be blocked.

I still need to work on the monster card for it.
Any suggestions on states or ability are always welcome.
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Re: The Dragon Orb

Postby Thor-in » Tuesday November 23rd, 2021 4:58pm

The Dragon Orb (Cover - 6).jpg

The Ancient Entrance (2).png

Monster Chart.jpg

Current progress. Found some issues with the quest and the monster chart that will get fixed. Other people outside of here liked the look of this cover page better, and we are still working on the code to get the new icon working. Now onto quest number two of five.
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