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Fimir vs Abominations vs Squigs

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Fimir vs Abominations vs Squigs

Postby Maalicia_Ironhoof » Thursday March 16th, 2023 11:27pm

Hey guys, I've been mulling over the idea of using all 3 (Fimir, Abominations & Squigs) in the 2021 version of the game.

Background is obviously 1989 version came with Fimir - which while cool I always found them misplaced and that Squigs were a better fit for the geenskin tide.

Fast forward to 2021 and we now have Abominations, which - again I don’t hate, but as an amphibious creature again don’t really fit with a lot of the quest locations and greenskin tide.

So for my quests, I generally use Squigs for all instances of Fimir AND Abominations, and reserve those for specific uses.

The issue is; at face value we have 3 monsters that have identical stats that are physiologically; completely different.

Has anyone tackled this same issue and play-tested how these function side by side with new stats?

My take is to give Squigs the standard Stats, but with the added ability of "Hopping", allowing them to - within their allocated number of squares of movement, to move unobstructed in a straight line through occupied squares (including occupied by heroes') providing they end their turn on an unoccupied square.

SQUIG 6* 3 3 2 3 *Hop

I was thinking of perhaps leave as is for the Abomination, but allow to diagonally attack with it's trident:

ABOMINATION 6 3* 3 2 3 *May attack diagonally

For the Fimir, I'm using the Forgeworld models which are frankly HUGE, so I think beefing them up as a special encounter is a valid approach.

Fimir 6 4 4 3 3

Bradley Boruch / Maalicia Ironhoof (Previously Cyber333)
Fixing Avalon Hill's Rules and Quest Books by Maalicia Ironhoof

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Re: Fimir vs Abominations vs Squigs

Postby Bareheaded Warrior » Saturday March 18th, 2023 7:26am

Just in case trying to juggle three monster types wasn't enough, let me chuck a fourth contender in your direction - Trolls

Eons ago, because the group I was hosting at that time, weren't familiar with the Warhammer lore, they didn't recognise the 'Fimir', the concept didn't stick and they persistently referred it them as "Trolls". By that time 'Fimir' had been dropped from the official Warhammer lore so I didn't see the point in insisting as it wasn't like, even if they matured into Warhammer players, they would ever meet a Fimir again so I went along with the Troll rename and then later remembered that Trolls were introduced into HeroQuest by a Quest published in White Dwarf magazine, so I adopted the published stats and never looked back. No more Fimir and no need for an Abomination.
:skull: = white skull, one "hit"
:blackshield: = black skull, one "hit"
:whiteshield: = shield, cancels out one "hit"

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Re: Fimir vs Abominations vs Squigs

Postby Kurgan » Saturday March 18th, 2023 1:58pm

I had to look up what the heck a "Squig" even is. I get that it's a kind of pig/ork thing (not sure which edition of Warhammer first introduced it) but it really reminds me of the "pink demons" from the original Doom computer game from 1993. Obviously Warhammer (and its spinoff 40k) are earlier, but was that where iD software got the inspiration?

I have never played Warhammer and am only tangentially familiar with it (when researching stuff because people told me I should, related to heroquest inspirations and lore derivations or similarities). To me the Fimirs are in the game because that's what was in the box when I played as a kid. They are the big green monsters that are stronger than Orcs and Goblins and that's why I use them, regardless of what Avalon Hill does with replacing them with Abominations and such. I've 3d printed alternates (based on the "rare one" metal mini from long before HeroQuest) but honestly the figure with its size and pose from 1989/1990 heroquest is "just right" and I have yet to see a publicly available alternate sculpt that is better (I've seen a few customs that look really cool but they're either not available or way too expensive or the wrong scale).

That said, I am always supportive of people who want to add to this game in their own form and fashion and I hope your "squigs" work out great!

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