Hello everyone! Here's a bunch of custom heroes I've designed, basically based on the minis I have. As you can see, I love simplicity, and I hate to have extra cards.
I'd love some feedback especially regarding balance when compared to the four basic heroes.
Archer [bowgirl from Legends of Drizzt board game]
Move 2
AD 2
DD 2
BP 6
MP 4
Starting gear: short sword, bow (2 AD)
Special rules: monsters and heroes don't block line of sight. Cannot use shields.
Context: I've also added a 4AD long bow he can buy.
Cleric [from 2001 D&D adventure board game]
Move 2
AD 2
DD 3
BP 6
MP 4
Starting gear: mace (2 AD), shield
Special rules: +1 AD vs undead. Once per game, makes all heroes recover 1 lost BP. Can only use blunt weapons.
Context: I've also added a 3AD warhammer he can buy.
Druid [elf wizard girl from 2001 D&D adventure board game]
Move 2
AD 1
DD 2
BP 5
MP 3
Starting gear: staff
Special rule: At the beginning of each quest, choose one animal companion to accompany her.
Animal Companion: shares the same statistics as the druid (gear included), and plays immediately before or after the druid.
Wolf: +1 AD [from ashardalon board game]
Bear: +1 maximum BP [from ashardalon board game]
Panther: +1 movement die [from drizzt board game]
The bonus applies to both the beast and the druid.
Duelist [various guys from ashardalon (or drizzt?) board game]
Move 2
AD 3
DD 2
BP 7
MP 3
Starting gear: broadsword
Special rule: +1 AD vs monsters without adjacent heroes.
Knave (my simplified version of the Rogue) [two-daggers guy from ashardalon (or drizzt?) board game]
Move 2
AD 1
DD 2
BP 6
MP 4
Starting gear: dagger
Special rules: +1 AD vs monsters who are adjacent to other heroes. +1 AD when using dagger or short sword.
Warrior [fighter (?) from 2001 D&D adventure board game]
Move 2
AD 2
DD 3
BP 7
MP 3
Starting gear: short sword, shield
Special rules: His movement is never hindered by any type of heavy armor.
Scout [thief girl (?) from 2001 D&D adventure board game]
Move 2
AD 2
DD 2
BP 6
MP 4
Starting gear: short sword, bow (2 AD), tool kit
Special rules: Once per turn, when in front of a closed door, he may roll a combat die. Skull: the content of the room behind the door is placed on the board but the door stays closed. White shield: nothing happens. Black shield: the door is immediately opened. This skill doesn't count as an action. Cannot use shields.
Halfling [from ashardalon (or drizzt?) board game]
Move 2
AD 1
DD 2
BP 6
MP 4
Starting gear: dagger, sling (1 AD)
Special rules: opponents attack him with -1 AD (minimum 1). Can move through enemies and heroes. When searches, draws 2 cards and picks 1. No shield, no two-handed weapons.
The druid and the halfling are the two that I feel might be unbalanced: the druid might be too strong (it's like you're playing 2 heroes, and the gear you buy for one works for the other too), the halfling too weak.
Thanks in advance to anyone who'll want to chime in with some feedback!