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My custom heroes - Feedback please!

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My custom heroes - Feedback please!

Postby Axian » Wednesday January 18th, 2023 11:47am

Hello everyone! Here's a bunch of custom heroes I've designed, basically based on the minis I have. As you can see, I love simplicity, and I hate to have extra cards.
I'd love some feedback especially regarding balance when compared to the four basic heroes.

Archer [bowgirl from Legends of Drizzt board game]
Move 2
AD 2
DD 2
BP 6
MP 4
Starting gear: short sword, bow (2 AD)
Special rules: monsters and heroes don't block line of sight. Cannot use shields.
Context: I've also added a 4AD long bow he can buy.

Cleric [from 2001 D&D adventure board game]
Move 2
AD 2
DD 3
BP 6
MP 4
Starting gear: mace (2 AD), shield
Special rules: +1 AD vs undead. Once per game, makes all heroes recover 1 lost BP. Can only use blunt weapons.
Context: I've also added a 3AD warhammer he can buy.

Druid [elf wizard girl from 2001 D&D adventure board game]
Move 2
AD 1
DD 2
BP 5
MP 3
Starting gear: staff
Special rule: At the beginning of each quest, choose one animal companion to accompany her.
Animal Companion: shares the same statistics as the druid (gear included), and plays immediately before or after the druid.
Wolf: +1 AD [from ashardalon board game]
Bear: +1 maximum BP [from ashardalon board game]
Panther: +1 movement die [from drizzt board game]
The bonus applies to both the beast and the druid.

Duelist [various guys from ashardalon (or drizzt?) board game]
Move 2
AD 3
DD 2
BP 7
MP 3
Starting gear: broadsword
Special rule: +1 AD vs monsters without adjacent heroes.

Knave (my simplified version of the Rogue) [two-daggers guy from ashardalon (or drizzt?) board game]
Move 2
AD 1
DD 2
BP 6
MP 4
Starting gear: dagger
Special rules: +1 AD vs monsters who are adjacent to other heroes. +1 AD when using dagger or short sword.

Warrior [fighter (?) from 2001 D&D adventure board game]
Move 2
AD 2
DD 3
BP 7
MP 3
Starting gear: short sword, shield
Special rules: His movement is never hindered by any type of heavy armor.

Scout [thief girl (?) from 2001 D&D adventure board game]
Move 2
AD 2
DD 2
BP 6
MP 4
Starting gear: short sword, bow (2 AD), tool kit
Special rules: Once per turn, when in front of a closed door, he may roll a combat die. Skull: the content of the room behind the door is placed on the board but the door stays closed. White shield: nothing happens. Black shield: the door is immediately opened. This skill doesn't count as an action. Cannot use shields.

Halfling [from ashardalon (or drizzt?) board game]
Move 2
AD 1
DD 2
BP 6
MP 4
Starting gear: dagger, sling (1 AD)
Special rules: opponents attack him with -1 AD (minimum 1). Can move through enemies and heroes. When searches, draws 2 cards and picks 1. No shield, no two-handed weapons.

The druid and the halfling are the two that I feel might be unbalanced: the druid might be too strong (it's like you're playing 2 heroes, and the gear you buy for one works for the other too), the halfling too weak.
Thanks in advance to anyone who'll want to chime in with some feedback!
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Re: My custom heroes - Feedback please!

Postby Rosebud » Wednesday January 18th, 2023 2:01pm

These are cool :o)

I'm not sure the Druid is too strong. While you're playing 2 heroes you only have 1AD unless you pick wolf. to be honest I would make the animal companions have their own stats, and let the druid heal them once per quest, but at that stage you're more playing the animal companion than the druid?
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Re: My custom heroes - Feedback please!

Postby Axian » Thursday January 19th, 2023 11:57am

It is 1 AD (unless you pick wolf) when you start. Once you manage to buy a short sword and a helmet, both the druid and the wolf suddenly roll 3 AD and 3 DD. That's the part that I'm kinda worried about.
Of course this is a problem I AM creating, with the rule "Animal Companion: shares the same statistics as the druid (gear included)". But I like it because it makes everything easy to use. I'd rather lower the druid's BP and/or MP than make things more complicated. I know this might sound silly :)
TTRPG & BG translator, editor, writer, designer, blogger -and of course HeroQuest lover!
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Re: My custom heroes - Feedback please!

Postby burglekutt » Sunday November 3rd, 2024 4:19pm

I like the Rogue, Knave.
Axian wrote:Special rules: +1 AD vs monsters who are adjacent to other heroes. +1 AD when using dagger or short sword.

I'm guessing his dagger becomes a 2AD & Short Sword becomes a 3AD weapon in this situation?

Are you allowing duel weild & still having the plus +1AD?

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