One of the coolest things about HeroQuest is the occasional appearance of “boss” monsters. That is, monsters with unique names who serve a story purpose and have unique powers.
These monsters never had their own cards, just a “stat block” in their related quest. In almost all cases, there was no physical description, just maybe their race (“orc”) or a basic descriptor (“shamen”) and their stats and powers to base what they might otherwise be like on.
Thus, as a player of the original HQ release in the 80’s, for decades I could only imagine what these unique foes and NPCs might look like. The re-release did nothing to help with this, either. Except when the official app was launched for mobile devices, it included what was the most exciting element for me: artwork depicting key scenes/moments of each quest… including encountering many of these “boss” monsters and ally NPCs. At last, we had *official* representation of what these characters looked like!
I went through all the official quests (core set, all published expansion packs, online free quests, etc.) but please let me know if I have missed anyone. I will do this for Against the Ogre Horde (and any other future expansion packs, including Crypt of Perpetual Torment if it ever gets a retail release), and also plan to do this for the “semi-official” quests that were published for the original release of HQ via White Dwarf and Marvel… though those will obviously use custom art since no official artwork will exist.
That said, I now present to you… at long last with official visual appearances… the unique “named” monsters – the “bosses” – of HeroQuest! ... oss-cards/