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Hero Quest Sticker Album with stickers

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Re: Hero Quest Sticker Album with stickers

Postby Goblin-King » Wednesday June 27th, 2018 11:24pm

Thanks! This is great |_P

The artwork isn't spectacular, but at least the creators seemed to have pretty good knowledge about the game.
Heck, even knowing to use the correct look for the Witch Lord.

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Re: Hero Quest Sticker Album with stickers

Postby TMU » Thursday June 28th, 2018 5:26am

Well how cool is this. I might just have to print these out some day.

I could be wrong, and correct me if so, but I'm remembering that sjeng would have posted the blank sticker album somewhere here :geek:
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Re: Hero Quest Sticker Album with stickers

Postby Anderas » Thursday June 28th, 2018 9:26am

Tanks a lot Daedalus. I just spend two hours boring waiting time with idly flicking through the sticker album.


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Re: Hero Quest Sticker Album with stickers

Postby cornixt » Thursday June 28th, 2018 12:12pm

Can't help giggling like a schoolboy at the shape of the Wand of Recall.

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Re: Hero Quest Sticker Album with stickers

Postby Daedalus » Thursday June 28th, 2018 5:42pm

Goblin-King wrote:Thanks! This is great |_P

The artwork isn't spectacular, but at least the creators seemed to have pretty good knowledge about the game.
Heck, even knowing to use the correct look for the Witch Lord.

True about the art, though the background pages feature the best work. One inconsistency I found so far is that of the original companions to Rogar, the Elf Ladril had been renamed as Brellif. Ladril was instead used for the name of the current Elf Hero of the album, which agrees with the UK Rules of Play example Hero name.

TMU wrote:Well how cool is this. I might just have to print these out some day.

I could be wrong, and correct me if so, but I'm remembering that sjeng would have posted the blank sticker album somewhere here :geek:

Yeah, Sjeng has linked an album of blank pages here. Unfortunately, they aren't as high-resolution. I haven't had any luck opening better quality at his Dropbox account from my phone. I believe HeroquestFrance had posted high-res scans, but unfortunately the links are no longer supported. Maybe I'll create a new topic for Sjeng's blank pages.

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Re: Hero Quest Sticker Album with stickers

Postby benvoliothefirst » Tuesday August 7th, 2018 10:22pm

cornixt wrote:Can't help giggling like a schoolboy at the shape of the Wand of Recall.

THANK YOU! That's CLEARLY a glass dil... adult novelty item.

I noticed the Elf's name change too.

Mentor looks like he's got Merlin's silver baldcap from the 80's Excalibur movie, I could get behind that.

What a delight, thanks for sharing Daedalus!
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Re: Hero Quest Sticker Album with stickers

Postby Tott » Wednesday August 8th, 2018 4:28am

good lord that brings back memories! i completed it too! :)
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Re: Hero Quest Sticker Album with stickers

Postby Daedalus » Wednesday August 8th, 2018 11:13am

I wish I knew who the artist was. If the originals of the background art (the best part) are still in possession of their creator, he might be persuaded to share pictures. Toco, where are you!

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Re: Hero Quest Sticker Album with stickers

Postby benvoliothefirst » Thursday August 9th, 2018 8:40am

Some more thoughts:

Pg. 1: Star of the EAST?!

Pg. 3: Is this the first time we've seen an image of Loretome?

Pg. 4: Oh wait, they used "Ladril" as the CONTEMPORARY Elf's name. Weird. Are the other three new inventions for this book? I didn't recognize "Storn, Grungni, Chandra." Interesting that these are portrayed as four separate fetch quests, and then a two-and-two party split towards the end. NEVER SPLIT THE PARTY!

"The fires of HELL!" Man, kid's entertainment was just more FUN back in the day!

Pg. 6: Fire Mage? That's the Heat Miser, yo!

Pg. 7: The wand of recall has some... interesting powers here.

Karlen: Euro name for Telor?

Pg. 9: I'm okay with Loretome being found in something called the "Loretomb!"

Pg. 12: Oh, okay, just name the dwarf after an ancestor god!

Pg. 20: That chaos sorcerer IS wearing Chun-Li's bracelets!

Pg. 24: Okay Thantos, time to make some snake's head doorways!

Look at Ladril, going to bat for the dwarf's lock-picking skills! Power of FRIENDSHIP!
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Re: Hero Quest Sticker Album with stickers

Postby Spookyhappyfun » Thursday August 9th, 2018 4:58pm

benvoliothefirst wrote:Karlen: Euro name for Telor?

Or is that Wardoz?

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