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Christmas Present suggestion!

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Christmas Present suggestion!

Postby Tott » Monday December 7th, 2020 10:04am

Need a favour peeps,
My Brother and I played HQ when it first came out in 1989, now my Brother wants to get something similarly 'Dungeon and dragonsy) for my 9 year old nephew as a christmas pressie.
any suggestions?

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Re: Christmas Present suggestion!

Postby Kurgan » Monday December 7th, 2020 10:46am

There is a Dungeons and Dragons type board game that came out not so long ago, but I haven't played it (not Dragon Strike, I'm talking this century). I also haven't played Altar Quest or Warhammer Quest. The Hero Quest Remake won't be out until probably Christmas of 2021.

It's tempting to say just snag a real vintage set (would he appreciate it?) or do what I did and gather a bunch of similar miniatures (I used Reaper Bones) and some printed cards and substitute furniture for a kind of homebrew set (but that will cost you even more than just finding a used one on Ebay).

Anybody else?
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Re: Christmas Present suggestion!

Postby lestodante » Monday December 7th, 2020 3:19pm

I may be a bit out of topic but did you try the western card game "BANG!" ?
It is easy to carry and very funny. I just gifted it to my nephew for his recent birthday and he likes it a lot.
Only problem is that requires 4 players or more to play.

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Re: Christmas Present suggestion!

Postby Mophus » Monday December 7th, 2020 3:43pm

I suggest "Mice and Mystics". Outstanding story, lovely game design and elegant game rules. Can be played from 1 to 4 players.

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Re: Christmas Present suggestion!

Postby Kurgan » Tuesday December 8th, 2020 3:55am

5 Minute Dungeon is pretty fun, sorry forgot to mention that one.

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Re: Christmas Present suggestion!

Postby brycechard » Monday October 24th, 2022 9:44am

Hi! when buying gifts for Christmas, you may well be original and order something non-standard. If you have open and quiet meetings filled with warmth and comfort, please your loved ones with an original lamp. Such as a fireproof candle of 18 cm or a night light projector of the starry sky. They will give the holiday a touch of magic and mystery. A great gift can be a gift basket filled with something useful, or something a person likes from you is invited to give. The most important thing is giving attention to a person.

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Re: Christmas Present suggestion!

Postby lpblanks » Thursday October 27th, 2022 11:34am

One gave I've always wanted to play but have yet to pick up is. DUNGEON! It looks super fun and easy. It is published by Wizards of the Coast. From what I understand it's similar to D&D but much more simplified.

Also I think it was first published in the 70s so I think that is pretty neat as well.


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Re: Christmas Present suggestion!

Postby cornixt » Thursday October 27th, 2022 1:49pm

Dungeon! is pretty much running into rooms, turning over the random monster card and then rolling dice to kill it. It's D&D themed, but barely D&D at all. I've encountered big issues with balance, certain classes find it much easier to defeat monsters - especially in areas that other classes need so they can easily screw others over. It's really hard to win with the wizard, the rooms they can win in are too far away and still too hard to defeat. It's easy to play, but it does drag out a bit more than you'd want for such a simple game. I used to play it with my kids and place a suitable miniature of the table for the players and the monsters.

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Re: Christmas Present suggestion!

Postby StratosVX » Thursday October 27th, 2022 5:43pm

lpblanks wrote:I've always wanted to play DUNGEON! which is published by WOTC. From what I understand it's like D&D but much more simplified.


I thought I had read that they kept the rules the same from the 1970's/1980's era Dungeon. If so, it isn't really like D&D from what I remember (but it has been a couple of decades since I played it). You shuffle the treasure cards and put one treasure card, face down, on each room. You do the same for the enemies. To get the treasure, you have to kill the monster in the room. It's a race to see who can collect the most and get out without dying. The rooms have a difficulty level to them (which determines the level of monster and treasure) so you can stick to the easier rooms and get less valuable treasure or you can go with the harder rooms. I used to play my dad's copy when I was a kid and that version was ridiculously hard. I honestly don't know how anyone would have been able to get multiple treasures out of the harder rooms unless the luck of the dice was on your side. I remember there were monsters that would kill me in the first shot. Hopefully they improved the combat mechanics if they kept the rules. From cornixt's post, it doesn't sound like they did much (if any) improvement though.

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Re: Christmas Present suggestion!

Postby lpblanks » Friday October 28th, 2022 9:56am

cornixt wrote:Dungeon! is pretty much running into rooms, turning over the random monster card and then rolling dice to kill it. It's D&D themed, but barely D&D at all. I've encountered big issues with balance, certain classes find it much easier to defeat monsters - especially in areas that other classes need so they can easily screw others over. It's really hard to win with the wizard, the rooms they can win in are too far away and still too hard to defeat. It's easy to play, but it does drag out a bit more than you'd want for such a simple game. I used to play it with my kids and place a suitable miniature of the table for the players and the monsters.

[looks like a pair of spammers kicked off this thread again]

Thanks for the description. I'd never played and have been trying to find ways to introduce my kids to the world of HQ. They are 5 and 8 so normal HQ is a bit much for them but this seems perfect for their ages.

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