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.Twisting Catacombs. Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter. Feedback

Topics relating to Zealot Miniatures' Twisting Catacombs dungeon scenery Kickstarter campaign may be discussed in this room.

Re: .Twisting Catacombs. Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter. Feedb

Postby mukami » Friday April 15th, 2016 4:53am

Redav wrote:
LordZeke wrote:I am #398 does that mean mine is on its way? Cause that would be super |_P

You have the badge in your signature so your order's probably been processed.

Damn, I think I'm in the 800's...
Oh so the badge appears after your order has been processed. Here I thought I'd been forgotten..

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Re: .Twisting Catacombs. Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter. Feedb

Postby Thantos » Friday April 15th, 2016 10:35am

knightkrawler wrote:Yeah, I need stuff, too, dude. Post haste.

Lol we are indeed doing hasty posting! :D Getting there!

LordZeke wrote:[
I am #398 does that mean mine is on its way? Cause that would be super |_P

Ye sure does! Will send you an email today since was a little overspend on the pledge manager for your box 398 (glitchy software that!) then we can ship that out |_P

Redav wrote:
LordZeke wrote:I am #398 does that mean mine is on its way? Cause that would be super |_P

You have the badge in your signature so your order's probably been processed.
Damn, I think I'm in the 800's...

Ahh will be a few months for the 800s, sorry man. If i could fast-track awesome folk of Ye Olde Inn without sacrificing my moral integrity - i would :P be sure to pledge sooner next time ;)
We are dispatching faster and faster nowadays though :)

mukami wrote:Oh so the badge appears after your order has been processed. Here I thought I'd been forgotten..

The badge appears after the very kind drathe has processed your pledge manager (i think i still owe him for that... *adds on to-do list*) Which is coincidentally pretty close to the dispatch progress at the moment :)
Clearing the last stragglers from 300-400 at the moment. Want to start 400s next week
Models. Plastic Injection. Resin Casting. High Res 3D Printing . Macro 3D Scanning .

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Re: .Twisting Catacombs. Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter. Feedb

Postby Redav » Saturday April 16th, 2016 6:06pm

Thantos wrote:Ahh will be a few months for the 800s, sorry man.

It's all good. I'm in no position to paint them now anyway and my HQ stuff isn't getting any attention at all (we've not even played a single quest this year!) as we're still busy with house stuff. At this rate, I don't think I'll have time for anything hobby related for the rest of the year.
Campaign Status
EU Group: Kellar's Keep - The Dwarven Forge
NA Group: The Gathering Storm - Barak Tor - Barrow of the Witch Lord

Project's Status
Rules: House Rules and Clarifications are open for discussion
Campaigns: Thinking
Alternate Mini's: Planning and acquiring
Painting: I've started painting... :o

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Re: .Twisting Catacombs. Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter. Feedb

Postby Anderas » Sunday April 17th, 2016 4:18am

Redav wrote:
Thantos wrote:Ahh will be a few months for the 800s, sorry man.

It's all good. I'm in no position to paint them now anyway and my HQ stuff isn't getting any attention at all (we've not even played a single quest this year!) as we're still busy with house stuff. At this rate, I don't think I'll have time for anything hobby related for the rest of the year.

That's a pretty accurate estimation. My house was taking me out for one year and is not exactly finished.

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Re: .Twisting Catacombs. Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter. Feedb

Postby Goblin-King » Sunday June 26th, 2016 5:11am

Will the irregular dungeon (HQ) bases ever come back in stock?
I've been holding out for those for quite some time now... :cry:

http://zealotminiatures.com/shop-1/#!/I ... ry=6272031

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Re: .Twisting Catacombs. Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter. Feedb

Postby Thantos » Sunday June 26th, 2016 7:56am

Yea store has fallen a bit behind with casting and releases (which I have like 6 new things waiting to be released!)
Doing some bases now for you, will stock up. How many sets do you want? :)
Models. Plastic Injection. Resin Casting. High Res 3D Printing . Macro 3D Scanning .

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Re: .Twisting Catacombs. Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter. Feedb

Postby Goblin-King » Sunday June 26th, 2016 9:05am

PM sent

Damn it's nice knowing the merchant and being able to just poke him on the forum :D

edit: Am I going insane or just bad at looking? I definitely remember seeing a lever to go with the portcullis.

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Re: .Twisting Catacombs. Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter. Feedb

Postby Redav » Friday September 16th, 2016 5:26pm

Hey, Eddie. Do you know what backer number you're up to?
Campaign Status
EU Group: Kellar's Keep - The Dwarven Forge
NA Group: The Gathering Storm - Barak Tor - Barrow of the Witch Lord

Project's Status
Rules: House Rules and Clarifications are open for discussion
Campaigns: Thinking
Alternate Mini's: Planning and acquiring
Painting: I've started painting... :o

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Re: .Twisting Catacombs. Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter. Feedb

Postby Thantos » Monday September 19th, 2016 11:22am

At current, there are some 500-600 ID backers to be completed in the next 10 days.
Id like everyone up to 600 to be dispatched inside of 10 days.

And then we are due to power through all the remaining 300 backers after we have the final moulds we need. Im hoping it will be a matter of weeks before everything is dispatched :D Already stocked up on 45,000 casts here so far, so its the bulk of it done :D
Will be pleased to have this sorted soon! Thanks for your patience!
Models. Plastic Injection. Resin Casting. High Res 3D Printing . Macro 3D Scanning .

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Re: .Twisting Catacombs. Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter. Feedb

Postby Redav » Thursday March 30th, 2017 12:25am

This isn't a nudge. What numbers are you up to now?

And randomly, has the KS process been worth it?
Campaign Status
EU Group: Kellar's Keep - The Dwarven Forge
NA Group: The Gathering Storm - Barak Tor - Barrow of the Witch Lord

Project's Status
Rules: House Rules and Clarifications are open for discussion
Campaigns: Thinking
Alternate Mini's: Planning and acquiring
Painting: I've started painting... :o

Grin's Stone Map Created a Hot Topic. Zealot Miniatures: Twisting Catacombs Kickstarter Backer Slain a measly Goblin! Slaughtered an Orc! Killed a mighty Fimir! Shattered a Skeleton! Destroyed a Zombie! Unravelled a Mummy! Crushed a powerful Chaos Warrior! Smashed a massive Gargoyle! Encountered all eight (8) Game System monsters. Encountered a menacing Chaos Warlock!

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