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.Twisting Catacombs. Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter. Feedback

Topics relating to Zealot Miniatures' Twisting Catacombs dungeon scenery Kickstarter campaign may be discussed in this room.

Re: .Twisted Catacombs. A Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter Proje

Postby Sjeng » Friday August 15th, 2014 9:12am

Sarcasm: As long as I can get an early bird with free shipping, I'm in lol. /Sarcasm
UK based so hopefully not too expensive to ship to EU.
Check out my YouTube channel Boardgame Heaven, and drop me a sub please!

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Re: .Twisted Catacombs. A Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter Proje

Postby clmckay » Friday August 15th, 2014 10:42am


Love the stuff! Would you be able to do a open version of the double door? I'm a tad blind....what's changed on the regular open/closed door?


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Re: .Twisted Catacombs. A Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter Proje

Postby wolfie907 » Friday August 15th, 2014 11:28pm

when is the kickstarter planned to start?

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Re: .Twisted Catacombs. A Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter Proje

Postby sajungzak » Friday August 15th, 2014 11:53pm

wolfie907 wrote:when is the kickstarter planned to start?

On my birthday! Or thereabouts. end of September
this is where I've been posting my painting progress so far:

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Re: .Twisted Catacombs. A Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter Proje

Postby Annatar » Saturday August 16th, 2014 1:58am

Can't wait to see this Ks getting started ;)

My suggestions for further additions are:

- some trap markers would be very nice (spear trap, fire, poison, bear trap, pit).

- some corpses lying on the floor (skeletons, not so lucky heroes...). There are only - as far as i know - the old citadel ones, which go by ridiculous prices.

- Monster lairs (bones lying on the floor, piles of of rags, somewhere the dungeon inhabitans go to sleep)
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Re: .Twisted Catacombs. A Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter Proje

Postby Thantos » Saturday August 16th, 2014 10:17am

Sjeng wrote:Sarcasm: As long as I can get an early bird with free shipping, I'm in lol. /Sarcasm
UK based so hopefully not too expensive to ship to EU.

Should be quite cheap to send to anywhere, will be resin and not heavy dental stone or plaster ;)

clmckay wrote:HI!
Love the stuff! Would you be able to do a open version of the double door? I'm a tad blind....what's changed on the regular open/closed door?

Thanks Chris :D Yep there will be an open double door available (just an arch, like the single doors) just thought it wasnt exciting enough for its own photo ;)
The regular doors have some rivets fixed, will be prototyped again with the new machine, for a more detailed miniature and be about 5% bigger. Nothing major, but thought it would be good to redo them and offer them to backers with the other stuff!

wolfie907 wrote:when is the kickstarter planned to start?

sajungzak wrote:
wolfie907 wrote:when is the kickstarter planned to start?

On my birthday! Or thereabouts. end of September

Yup, planned for 30th of September, have an initial banner, would be great if any of you gents get the chance to share it with the world, since this KS business seems to be a lot about spreading the news through social media before-hand!

Annatar wrote:Can't wait to see this Ks getting started ;)

My suggestions for further additions are:

- some trap markers would be very nice (spear trap, fire, poison, bear trap, pit).

- some corpses lying on the floor (skeletons, not so lucky heroes...). There are only - as far as i know - the old citadel ones, which go by ridiculous prices.

- Monster lairs (bones lying on the floor, piles of of rags, somewhere the dungeon inhabitans go to sleep)

Hi Annatar, welcome to the Inn (have a pint! |_P )
Totally agree with you on the traps, its something which i have sat down with the concepts artist and tried to work out how to do them as a cool model. But pits are proving difficult to work something out.
Will be doing a few for sure though :)

Yup, bone piles and old skeletons are in the works (ready to be brought to life against unsuspecting heroes ;)). Corpses people were talking about a while ago on here, will look at doing something, maybe a nice stretch goal.
Annatar wrote:- Monster lairs (bones lying on the floor, piles of of rags, somewhere the dungeon inhabitans go to sleep)
Sounds good, i still remember my time at university student accommodation, so have a good idea as to what monster lairs should look like ;)
Models. Plastic Injection. Resin Casting. High Res 3D Printing . Macro 3D Scanning .

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Re: .Twisted Catacombs. A Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter Proje

Postby Sjeng » Saturday August 16th, 2014 1:37pm

made a post for the blog, but I need some advertiesing text from you Thantos. Drop me a note! will go live on friday! (fridays are KS and accessories blogging days)
Check out my YouTube channel Boardgame Heaven, and drop me a sub please!

Grin's Stone Map Played a turn in a Play-by-Post game. Wrote twenty (20) articles for the Blog in three (3) sections. Created a Hot Topic. Participated in three (3) Miniature Exchanges. Zealot Miniatures: Twisting Catacombs Kickstarter Backer Slain a measly Goblin! Slaughtered an Orc! Killed a mighty Fimir! Shattered a Skeleton! Destroyed a Zombie! Unravelled a Mummy! Encountered a menacing Chaos Warlock!
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Re: .Twisted Catacombs. A Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter Proje

Postby Thantos » Sunday August 17th, 2014 6:00am

Thanks Sjeng! Thats awesome. Interest has picked up since announcing the KS, FB like graph has a new gradient.
Which at least shows people are interested in this kind of KS. But still need to spread the word some more over the next month.

Probably the text on the website page would be good for now?

Zealot Miniatures will soon be running 'Twisting Catacombs: A Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter'. This came about since there are many fun and fantastic Dungeon RPG Board Games available, both new and old, and they come with some lovely character miniatures, that is for sure!

But what really makes these games into an involving and cinematic experience for all players involved - is the setting; the vast, magical, fantasy themed Dungeon! And to best spark the imaginations, your Dungeon needs atmospheric and detailed scenery and terrain, not just fiddly card counters! Step forward Twisting Catacombs!

This Kickstarter will vastly expand on the range of dungeon game scenery, decor and bitz which we already offer in the store, with a new, broad range of exciting miniatures and scenery for your games.

WIP pictures will be added here, but to keep up to date with all the goings on, be sure to follow us on our Facebook page or subscribe to our newsletter.

If you would like to get involved with feedback and suggestions, you can follow our topic on Ye Olde Inn here. All pledgers who are members of Ye Olde Inn forum will be given a special exclusive miniature once funding is complete.
May all your quests be glorious ones, Hero!

Serves as a good intro i hope :D

EDIT: A clear resin upgrade for the fountain. Slots over the model. Still want that drink?
Tried to make the demon not too aggressive, so he could work as a friendly demon or a killy demon, depending on the quest.
Models. Plastic Injection. Resin Casting. High Res 3D Printing . Macro 3D Scanning .

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Re: .Twisted Catacombs. A Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter Proje

Postby Hero_Of_Retro » Sunday August 17th, 2014 7:52am

Im on board for this. :) Some very awesome stuff!

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Re: .Twisted Catacombs. A Dungeon Scenery Kickstarter Proje

Postby NocsBox » Sunday August 17th, 2014 8:13am

I love the look of everything coming out for the kickstarter,

Something I would love to see, would be a large boulder, like in Indianna Jones, to chase my adventurers down a narrow corridor!

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