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20 year lurker, first time poster

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20 year lurker, first time poster

Postby customized » Monday September 11th, 2023 10:30pm

Hi everyone,

I'm a looooong time lurker, and I think this is the first time I've created a user account. Or if I did make on at some point, it's been long forgotten. It's definitely been 20 years, which is crazy.

I received HQ for Christmas in 1990 or '91. We then got all four US expansions and I still have them. I was fortunate enough to get in on the mythic tier of the re-release.

Unfortunately I don't have any European stuff. I'd love to have Wizards, Horde, and some of the other rare stuff, but I definitely should have bought that stuff years ago.

I'm also big on all Warhammer Quest variants. I have Advanced Heroquest but it was a big letdown after how awesome HQ was. I've done a lot of print at home stuff, both 2D and 3D.

Glad to be here everyone!

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Re: 20 year lurker, first time poster

Postby Chwat » Tuesday September 12th, 2023 5:14am

welcome looking forward to seeing some of you collection .
:skull: I am not affiliated to the EBAY shop below, but they sell Cracking proxies and more. :skull:
:whiteshield: https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/miniaturesbo ... 492.l74602 :whiteshield:

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Re: 20 year lurker, first time poster

Postby Kurgan » Tuesday September 12th, 2023 6:32am

Creating a proxy using other stuff can be a much more affordable way to get those elusive expansions. Others turn to 3d printing. Actually I was able to get the European stuff via BoardGameGeek and I didn't spend a fortune. Patient persistence is the key! There are some real fans there... if you want to just empty your wallet, try Ebay instead.

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Re: 20 year lurker, first time poster

Postby Daedalus » Tuesday September 12th, 2023 7:19am

Anyone (Kurgan) feel free to correct me, but didn't Avalon Hill hint that they plan to rerelease AH new editions of Attack of the Ogre Horde and Wizards of Morcar?

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Re: 20 year lurker, first time poster

Postby customized » Tuesday September 12th, 2023 12:35pm

Thanks for the welcome. Here's my collection: https://cutandassemble.com/index.php/hero-quest-collection/

The original set and four expansions are fully painted, but I won't bore you with the paint jobs from 30 years ago.

Perhaps the most serendipitous item is the Pierre Chancier miniature from White Dwarf 145. I'm pretty sure I bought/received the mini because I love knights (and dwarves) rather than it being in the WD. Though I may be wrong, it was a long time ago.

It's starting to look like I just stockpile HQ stuff, I'll give you a rundown of the original game systems on the HQ shelf.
  1. Top box is my original childhood copy
  2. Second from top was bought as a kid from a friend who didn't play anymore
  3. Second from the bottom is/was my brother-in-law's copy
  4. The bottom copy was found at a charity sale. This drove me nuts. I spend 25+ vigilant years always on the lookout for a copy, then my wife practically trips over one!

While I love HQ, I've spent more time in the past few years on print-and-play Warhammer Quest 1995. This is my site: https://cutandassemble.com/index.php/print-and-play-warhammer-quest/

I'd also like to thank everyone here and those that have kept the HQ hobby alive all these years. Its definitely had its up and down times. Sometimes it feels a little sad that lots of old pages/posts/sites are abandoned or gone. But the game is definitely alive and well. The sticker book for example. I can't seem to find who did all the work on that since there's tons of posts on here about it. But the with/without pdfs are amazing. They are pixel perfect. Just exceptional.

I want to balance my collection with "collecting". Sometimes it feels funny rushing out to buy something just because a company makes it. I prefer to be nostalgic rather than consumeristic. As kids, My brother and I spent so much time playing, they're great memories. Maybe I'm just trying to rationalize!

Now I have kids and we have a ton of fun playing ourselves.

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Re: 20 year lurker, first time poster

Postby StratosVX » Tuesday September 12th, 2023 6:39pm

I thought you said you had HeroQuest. I don't see it anywhere in your pictures. :lol:

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Re: 20 year lurker, first time poster

Postby customized » Tuesday September 12th, 2023 7:03pm

StratosVX wrote:I thought you said you had HeroQuest. I don't see it anywhere in your pictures. :lol:

Ha! Yeah, I should pick up a copy!

Also, looks like I over-guesstimated the time I've been lurking. I could have sworn Ye Olde Inn was around back in 2002, but maybe not. Looks like my older files are from "Zagnuts HeroQuest Downloads" which appears to be defunct.

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Re: 20 year lurker, first time poster

Postby customized » Tuesday September 12th, 2023 7:09pm

StratosVX wrote:I thought you said you had HeroQuest. I don't see it anywhere in your pictures. :lol:

Also, thank you for your Battle Masters files. They're LEGENDARY!!!! Do you use some type of card punch?

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Re: 20 year lurker, first time poster

Postby StratosVX » Tuesday September 12th, 2023 9:01pm

customized wrote:
StratosVX wrote:I thought you said you had HeroQuest. I don't see it anywhere in your pictures. :lol:

Also, thank you for your Battle Masters files. They're LEGENDARY!!!! Do you use some type of card punch?

No problem, glad you like them. I spent a lot of time cleaning those up. I've never printed anything I created off. I had planned on attempting to make a smaller version of the game to make it more portable and quicker to set up and I was going to print files then, but life has gotten in the way so that never ended up happening.

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