first post here!
Here is my 3d board:

Little background. I played Hero Quest in the nineties. My friend had just bought the game and it was five of us playing it at the age of 11 and I was the barbarian. Very good memories. I noticed acidentally that there was a new release of the game and
bought it in 2021. My son and my wife liked the game (my daughter not so much) and we have been playing it since last winter. The game was on the shelf for my kid to grow a little older for a few years. Anyway, the original board started to break down and it
was time to check alternatives. I noticed a really cool Youtube instructions done by David Selvadurai from Blueline Gaming on how to build a 3d board.

The project took me the whole summer. Unfortunately our summer trip got cancelled so I had some free time. I renowated the kids rooms and build the board. I followed the stepd in David's videos and added some details of my own:
- added some sewers etc. to the corridors
- I had some ninties models left from Blood Bowl etc. I cut them to litlle peaces and used those to detail the walls
- For the rooms, I also carved the textures of each room to replicate the original board
- I used a thicker foam board (3 cm) for the board. This allowed me to do the corridors on the edge having details like cracks and peaces of stone missing. Also tried to do the edge corridors so that not all squares are at the same level. Some deeper some higher.
- I glued the rats and skulls from 2021 Hero quest into various crack etc. on the board
- I agree with David on the wall tops -> I do not like the perfectly cut wall tops that you see on the 3d printed Hero quest boards. The top of the wall should be rough.
- I carved a symbol and painted it gold to the center room
- Added some tiles to some parts of the corridor around the center room and also to one of the rooms. Glued strips of card board to achieve that.

But here is link to the Youtube video of the board. Unfortunately this was the first time filming a video so the quality of the picture is not as good as it could and I also accidentally used 6:9 frame.
When I have time and money I will reshoot this with a better camera and with tripod. Hope you get the idea still: