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"The Hero Quest Replicated" by Juho Muuraiskangas

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"The Hero Quest Replicated" by Juho Muuraiskangas

Postby iKarith » Thursday April 8th, 2021 7:40am



I've seen minis made with resin, they look pretty good. These … I dunno, maybe after painting or other prep work they'll be fine, but they don't look good to me. Maybe it's just the nature of PLA?

Everything else though—PLA can definitely do the furniture. The sorcerer's table looks great. The box insert looks decent. Carefully recreating the artwork at a slightly larger scale … it's all great! I think it's very cool that at this point, if you really want to, you can reproduce the entire game, in some ways better than the original.

It tells me that even if the Hasbro Pulse project completely fails, if nobody can get it but those who backed it or are willing to pay rat bastard scalpers their demanded blood money (I won't!), the original game can be had … recreated if need be.

In no way is that me looking to not give Hasbro my money—I've already said I'm down for the Mythic Tier package if I can get it this fall, any expansion that they release (unless they do an orc bard quest, I'm skipping that crap), I don't care if it's a "cash grab" or what—they wanna give me a box of HQ parts for a decent price I don't have to fight over? Sold.

But Hasbro isn't making the original. Nor is GW. And this video shows 3D printed tiles and furniture … I think we could still produce scans of the originals and I hope we do. I'd love for people to be able to reproduce the original game, right down to the box, because it means they could replace any part of their game that was lost or damaged.

So despite what I see as some flaws in what he's reproduced here, this video makes me happy.
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Re: "The Hero Quest Replicated" by Juho Muuraiskangas

Postby ajjohnsen » Thursday April 8th, 2021 10:19am

A lot of his assets look really good, but those minis are looking rough...maybe I'm being to harsh but they looked bad. Mondo does true casts and they look incredible, so those coupled with the rest of what he did here would be just as good as the original...almost

But yes it is very promising, and I hope Hasboro sells the new release at retail or specialty shops at least so you can pick one up. If not, the resale prices on Ebay are going to make launch PS5s look like a total bargain by comparison (% wise)

I'd bet they start listings at $800-1000

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Re: "The Hero Quest Replicated" by Juho Muuraiskangas

Postby iKarith » Thursday April 8th, 2021 7:47pm

If you can buy them on the Pulse website, that'll be enough to keep it from getting out of hand, even if these things never make it to your FLGS.

He needs to reduce his layer height and slow his print speed a bit if he's gonna print minis using something other than a resin printer. Fat Dragon has a set of minis that are intended to be printed in PLA, but I haven't really seen them close-up and they're not HQ originals.

I haven't really started collecting STL files. In fact there's a lot I've downloaded that hasn't yet made it into my "collection":

Code: Select all
tjcarter@aki:~$ tree --charset us-ascii HeroQuest/
|-- 01. Game System
|   |-- 3x3board_print.jpg
|   |-- Board - Game Board (decipher).png
|   |-- Board - Tiles.pdf
|   `-- North_America
|       |-- Cards - Air Spells.pdf
|       |-- Cards - Artifacts.pdf
|       |-- Cards - Chaos Spells.pdf
|       |-- Cards - Earth Spells.pdf
|       |-- Cards - Equipment (drathe).pdf
|       |-- Cards - Fire Spells.pdf
|       |-- Cards - Monster Cards.pdf
|       |-- Cards - Treasure.pdf
|       |-- Cards - Water Spells.pdf
|       |-- Heroes - Character Boards.pdf
|       |-- Heroes - Character Sheet.jpg
|       |-- Other - Armory.pdf
|       |-- Other - Game Screen.pdf
|       |-- Other - Leaflet.pdf
|       |-- Quests - Quest Book.pdf
|       |-- Quests - The Maze (Phoenix).pdf
|       |-- Rise of the Chaos God - Artifacts.pdf
|       |-- Rise of the Chaos God - Quest Book(2).pdf
|       |-- Rules - Instruction Booklet.pdf
|       `-- Rules - Master Instruction Booklet (Phoenix).pdf
|-- 02. Kellar's Keep
|   |-- Board - Tiles.pdf
|   |-- Board - Tiles (Unpunched).pdf
|   `-- North America
|       |-- Cards - Artifacts.pdf
|       |-- Quests - Kellar's Keep.pdf
|       `-- Quests - Kellar's Keep (Phoenix).pdf
|-- 03. Return of the Witch Lord
|   |-- return-of-the-witch-lord-artifacts.pdf
|   |-- return-of-the-witch-lord-quest-book.pdf
|   |-- return-of-the-witch-lord-tiles.pdf
|   |-- return-of-the-witch-lord-tiles-unpunched.pdf
|   `-- RotWL.pdf
|-- 04. Adventure Design Kit
|   |-- Heroes - Character Sheet (ADK version).pdf
|   |-- Quests - Adventure Design Booklet (EU).pdf
|   |-- Quests - Adventure Design Booklet (Remastered, US).pdf
|   |-- Quests - Sticker Sheet (EU).pdf
|   `-- Quests - Sticker Sheet (Remastered, US).pdf
|-- 05. Against the Ogre Horde
|   |-- 150-Against-the-Ogre-Horde-ReMastered-drathe.pdf
|   |-- against-the-ogre-horde-chaos-tokens.pdf
|   |-- against-the-ogre-horde-monster.pdf
|   |-- against-the-ogre-horde-tiles.pdf
|   |-- AtOH.pdf
|   |-- Koren_nRhys-stone-doors-walls.pdf
|   `-- zakath-ogrehorde.pdf
|-- 06. Wizards of Morcar
|   |-- 150-drathe-wizards-monster.pdf
|   |-- 150-Wizards-of-Zargon-ReMastered-drathe.pdf
|   |-- Koren_nRhys-stone-doors-walls.pdf
|   |-- wizards-of-morcar-magical-reference-chart.pdf
|   |-- wizards-of-morcar-tiles.pdf
|   |-- wizards-of-zargon-high-mage-spells.pdf
|   |-- wizards-of-zargon-men-at-arms.pdf
|   |-- wizards-of-zargon-necromancer-spells.pdf
|   |-- wizards-of-zargon-orc-shaman-spells.pdf
|   |-- wizards-of-zargon-spells-of-darkness.pdf
|   |-- wizards-of-zargon-spells-of-detection.pdf
|   |-- wizards-of-zargon-spells-of-protection.pdf
|   |-- wizards-of-zargon-storm-master-spells.pdf
|   |-- wizards-of-zargon-treasure.pdf
|   `-- WoZ.pdf
|-- 07. Mage of the Mirror (Elf Quest)
|   |-- EQP.pdf
|   |-- mage-of-the-mirror-artifacts.pdf
|   |-- mage-of-the-mirror-chaos-spells.pdf
|   |-- mage-of-the-mirror-elf-spells.pdf
|   |-- mage-of-the-mirror-monster.pdf
|   |-- mage-of-the-mirror-quest-book.pdf
|   `-- mage-of-the-mirror-treasure.pdf
|-- 08. The Frozen Horror (Barbarian Quest)
|   |-- BQP.pdf
|   |-- frozen-horror-artifacts.pdf
|   |-- frozen-horror-chaos-spells.pdf
|   |-- frozen-horror-leaflet.pdf
|   |-- frozen-horror-monster.pdf
|   |-- frozen-horror-quest-book.pdf
|   |-- frozen-horror-tiles-01.jpg
|   |-- frozen-horror-tiles-02.jpg
|   |-- frozen-horror-tiles-03.jpg
|   |-- frozen-horror-tiles-04.jpg
|   |-- frozen-horror-tiles.pdf
|   `-- frozen-horror-treasure.pdf
|-- 09. The Dark Company (Advanced Quest)
|   `-- North America
|       `-- Quests - The Dark Company (Phoenix).pdf
`-- 10. Official Adventures
    `-- Novels
        |-- The Fellowship of the Four.pdf
        |-- The Screaming Spectre.pdf
        `-- The Tyrant's Tomb.pdf

14 directories, 83 files
tjcarter@aki:~$ du -hs HeroQuest/
859M   HeroQuest/

Most of that hasn't been renamed or put into localized subdirectories yet. It's all the North American releases, and e.g. the 3x3board doesn't belong in the Game System official releases because as far as I know nothing official ever used the 28x22 board, it's purely for homebrew use.

I don't know what people think about the renaming even yet—I've been trying to do that to ensure anything that doesn't have a credit page at the end gets credit for the community member who scanned/created/provided it. I've got ~ 3 GB of stuff and I know I don't have nearly everything even for North American (released or localized), to say nothing of other languages. Again most of what's there came from the Inn, and most of what I don't have yet is here too … but I hope to make it all available the best way I can since sites have disappeared suddenly and without warning. Even the Inn has intermittent 503 errors on the gallery, and that's not even on my radar.

My goal with this is to see that it becomes available to anyone who'd like to have a copy and finds its way over to archive.org or similar, just in case. The best way to ensure things don't get lost is to make sure there's LOTS of copies out there. I didn't exactly ask anyone for permission to do this, but at least some of the people I'd be asking don't seem to be around much to answer anyway. It's part of the problem I'm trying to solve.
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Re: "The Hero Quest Replicated" by Juho Muuraiskangas

Postby whitebeard » Friday April 9th, 2021 9:46am

Printing the graphics on standard A4 or letter size and piecing it together is unfortunate. I have a larger board which I built this way. I used spray adhesive to stick it down to two pieces of premium foam core, then covered with transparent contact paper. I created the hinge with black Gorrila Tape (it folds the wrong way which is easier with the graphics). The Gorrila tape is also rubbery, so I used it to secure the wrapped edges of the contact paper and it has the added benefit of making it such that the board does not slide around on a table. The seams in the paper are pretty hard to spot...

But after all of the work he put in, to see his board warped like that is devastating.

It also looks like a missed opportunity on the side of the box where he could lay out the graphics so that all of the breaks ocure where there is only black looks like a missed opportunity.

On the 3D printing side, there are fantastic scans of the Base System figures which are/were available on Thingiverse. My Gargoyle and Barbarian came out fantastic at 0.05mm print height (all top layers) on my Ender 3 FDM printer. I have not tried the others but I expect they could be effectively perfect if your objective is solid color replacements. Just use the right settings and hit them with a "filler" primer in the various colors instead of trying to match the plastic color. If you are planning on painting the minis, you still can... but really you should be using a resin printer.
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Re: "The Hero Quest Replicated" by Juho Muuraiskangas

Postby lestodante » Friday April 9th, 2021 11:49am

Why doing a replica Barbarian with a broken sword??
Good job with the box, less with the figures.

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Re: "The Hero Quest Replicated" by Juho Muuraiskangas

Postby iKarith » Friday April 9th, 2021 3:22pm

You might do the Barbarian without a sword if you intend to choose his weapon as a customization.

[quote=whitebeard]But after all of the work he put in, to see his board warped like that is devastating.[/quote]

yeah. :( My current plan is EVA foam tiles on foam core, but … I'm starting to wonder if I might be wiser to pick up some of those vinyl floor tiles. They're incredibly cheap, very thin, very rigid for their thickness, and a lot tougher than foam core covered in layers of mod podge. The EVA foam top layer is important because you can just carve cracks and the like into that with a ballpoint pen and get good results.
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Re: "The Hero Quest Replicated" by Juho Muuraiskangas

Postby cornixt » Sunday April 11th, 2021 4:19pm

iKarith wrote:It tells me that even if the Hasbro Pulse project completely fails, if nobody can get it but those who backed it or are willing to pay rat bastard scalpers their demanded blood money (I won't!), the original game can be had … recreated if need be.

Of course, it's what some of us did in the times of overpriced Ebay copies and excess Warhammer/random models that I don't use much any more. I would probably have used cardboard standees if I didn't have the miniatures, and now there are a good selection of them on this site.

I moved on from cardboard printouts for the board to having modular room tiles on MDF, with the ultimate idea being to also use them for D&D and other dungeon crawler games, but that has yet to happen years later. If I was to paste stuff onto a board then I would do it room by room so that the joins aren't in the middle of rooms.

I've printed out a few FDM miniatures on my Ender3, and while they aren't fantastic-looking up close they do look pretty good from a distance when painted. If you want really good looking miniatures then you'd want to use a resin printer or buy something premade that is more recent.

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Re: "The Hero Quest Replicated" by Juho Muuraiskangas

Postby iKarith » Monday April 12th, 2021 7:58pm

cornixt wrote:Of course, it's what some of us did in the times of overpriced Ebay copies and excess Warhammer/random models that I don't use much any more. I would probably have used cardboard standees if I didn't have the miniatures, and now there are a good selection of them on this site.

You say that as if that time has ended. It most certainly has not! I just paid just South of $200 for a copy of the game with ALL of the cardboard components that weren't in baggies (so the cards and the tiles) in ROUGH shape, even if all the plastics were in fine shape (twisted rather than cut from sprues, but in every case I've noticed so far, that resulted in stuff I need to cut away, not anything damaged on the figures…) The inside of the screen will always bear the marks of having been split. The outside looks okay. The box is beaten up. Despite being creased, I think I can restore the doors. And I'm painting some glue on the chipboard edges of the furniture to hopefully prevent it separating, even if it hasn't yet.On the whole, it's coming along well and the box and its contents will always have a story to tell.

Bought it because in addition to the minis needed for KK and RotWL, a significant number of custom quests seem to presume you have furniture from a 2nd box. As the contents of those expansions are just a second box worth of greens and a second and third's undead along with extremely cheap cardstock components you'd be better to MAKE than buy, that's the route I'm going with.

That leaves all the others. Best bet there is waiting until I have space and funds for a resin printer and the same route for the card and chipboard components.

As for cardboard standees, I love the ones for The Quest so much I'd actually like to put plastic decals on styrene, cut the shapes out of that, and then base the results. 2.5D minis, essentially, just made with artwork intended for paper.

cornixt wrote:I moved on from cardboard printouts for the board to having modular room tiles on MDF, with the ultimate idea being to also use them for D&D and other dungeon crawler games, but that has yet to happen years later. If I was to paste stuff onto a board then I would do it room by room so that the joins aren't in the middle of rooms.

I'd really prefer to base on MDF or birch craft ply, but I don't have the saw or laser in my studio apartment for cutting it. I was planning to borrow Black Magic Craft's two videos on cheap dungeon tiles. In one, he takes foam dinner plates and glues them to one side of foamcore. To the other side he went for a wood floor. To keep them from warping, he glued coffee stirrers to the outside. The problem with that design is that you have to subtract the exact thickness of the coffee stirrers from the tile size. If you don't, you can't fit the tiles together to make a HQ board, and … that's a feature you don't wanna give up.

I actually much more preferred his other cheap dungeon tiles made for his little girl. He used a 1.5 inch grid (I get 30mm, I even understand 33mm, but yikes on 38mm!) instead of foam dinner plates, he used craft EVA which took a texture nicely but was otherwise had a look I really appreciated. So my plan then was to run with that.

I think I'm not going to do it that way though. Vinyl floor tiles. Those are cheaper than foamcore and they cut with a utility knife easily. They're thin enough that if you can measure your cuts worth a damn, they'll fit together properly. You COULD just pick out tiles you liked as rooms and grid them as-is … but that's boring! You're boring for suggesting it! :mrgreen: Nah, I'd be just using them for structure, gluing stones to the top, paint, and glue something non-slip to the bottom. Should look pretty sweet when finished.

cornixt wrote:I've printed out a few FDM miniatures on my Ender3, and while they aren't fantastic-looking up close they do look pretty good from a distance when painted. If you want really good looking miniatures then you'd want to use a resin printer or buy something premade that is more recent.

Fat Dragon gets pretty good results out of their minis, but they're designed for FDM printing. You just need the right settings and a smaller nozzle (and to know how and why the smaller nozzle clogs so you can dial it in better not to…)

I _really_ don't have room for a FDM printer. I don't have room for a resin printer here and that's what I'd want to get anyway. For the cost of the expansions minis alone in resin, I could buy the printer to make my own.

It's been so long since I've played now I'm probably going to try to start back at The Trial. Even if I did one a week, that's 34 weeks before I need to figure out the others.
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Re: "The Hero Quest Replicated" by Juho Muuraiskangas

Postby Kurgan » Tuesday May 11th, 2021 10:34am

The journey begins!

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Re: "The Hero Quest Replicated" by Juho Muuraiskangas

Postby iKarith » Tuesday May 11th, 2021 1:55pm

Kurgan wrote:The journey begins!

Got a printer?
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