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Re: The epic 2016 Yeoldeinn Christmas exchange

PostPosted: Saturday January 7th, 2017 3:59am
by knightkrawler
guitarhulk wrote:Has anyone started the cumulative post yet with all the photos we have so far? If not, I would be willing to give it a go.

Yeah, go ahead. |_P

Re: The epic 2016 Yeoldeinn Christmas exchange

PostPosted: Saturday January 7th, 2017 4:32am
by guitarhulk
Here is the list as of today. The models that are missing a 'from', please let me know who the mini was painted by so I can update the posting :gargoyle:

Looks like I am limited on the amount of photos per post.

Re: The epic 2016 Yeoldeinn Christmas exchange

PostPosted: Saturday January 7th, 2017 4:35am
by guitarhulk
2nd post

Re: The epic 2016 Yeoldeinn Christmas exchange

PostPosted: Saturday January 7th, 2017 4:36am
by guitarhulk
3rd post

Re: The epic 2016 Yeoldeinn Christmas exchange

PostPosted: Saturday January 7th, 2017 10:21am
by Goblin-King
Marble zombie is from me.

And this gruesome troll is from wolfie907! Thanks a lot! |_P
Finally got over my holiday jetlag and took a nice pic :)
I don't recognize the mini though? Anyone knows where it's from?


Re: The epic 2016 Yeoldeinn Christmas exchange

PostPosted: Saturday January 7th, 2017 10:32am
by clmckay

Re: The epic 2016 Yeoldeinn Christmas exchange

PostPosted: Saturday January 7th, 2017 11:26am
by lestodante
Yes it is a Troll from Dragonstrike.
It's been a while that I look with interest at yours Xmas exchange but for some reason I never registered to the forum (only Morcar knows why)...
Count me in for the 2017 Xmas!!!!

Oh, and I think that the modified Fimir is really awesome! Great job

Re: The epic 2016 Yeoldeinn Christmas exchange

PostPosted: Saturday January 7th, 2017 1:13pm
by knightkrawler
Thank you (and now we know for sure drathe's figure is from me) very much!
And welcome to the forum. |_P
If we can get to know you in the course of this year, you can certainly partake.
The more the merrier,

Re: The epic 2016 Yeoldeinn Christmas exchange

PostPosted: Saturday January 7th, 2017 1:26pm
by guitarhulk
How do I embed an image into a post without having to use the attachment option?

Re: The epic 2016 Yeoldeinn Christmas exchange

PostPosted: Saturday January 7th, 2017 1:36pm
by knightkrawler
By uploading it to a service (like Photobucket) and posting the link you can get there
here with the "Img" function or between these: