So now I managed to steal som time for the hobby - herewith I present you the present I got this christmas from Geofons. Normally, I would not name him at this point, but he put his forum name in the copyright remark on the cards, which are an essential part of the whole thing, so you can read it anyway.
It was an absolutely gret idea, carried out in an almost perfect manner.
When I got the parcel, the following note was outside the inner packaging, so I saw it before christmas eve. After reading some lines, I tried not to read further, so not to spoil the surprise for christmas.

From this, you can already tell the amount of thought and efford he put in this.
Here comes the actual figure (which is only part of the complete pesent):
The Pharaoh
Now, is this what he calls "amateur level"?
This is the first figure he modded and painted since he was 12?!
And I thought I was a good modder...
So many parts, brought together so seemless...
The painting may not reach the level of some semiprofessionals here at the Inn, but is still well ahead of my own capabilities.
Some more pics:A full frontal:

A behind view:

Another angle:

The feet!
notice the feet!
And finally a dramatic view to give justice to this piece of art:

Very well, but a figure is hardly enough to play with. You have to provide some rules for the charakter.
Or do you? Until now, a well done figure was all I could hope for in the Inn exchanges, as well as the best I could think of to make as my own contribution.
But not for Geofons.
He made the Pharaoh into a complete Character, complete with character card:

Isn't this just insane, in a good way?
Look at the design'
And you can take my word that it is technicall perfect, you really don't see it's custom made. The thickness, the finish, everything's like original.
And then there are the gods and their blessings:

While I could object to minor theological details as an academian, I could hardly have done it better, provided he had to convert it into playable rules.
I absolutely love the creativity behind this.
And again, the technical design is perfect. The cards look and feel really "original".
A real big thanks to you, Michael! Have a wonderful year 2017!