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Re: [4th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas 2015 Exchange

PostPosted: Sunday December 20th, 2015 6:21pm
by tasoe
ok, first of all, that orc looks AMAZING! (not mine obviously, the one above mine).
My brother told me whose it was but I could have guessed in a second that it's goblin-king's. That kind of shading and exquisite style can only be his.

knightkrawler wrote:I like the pink touches on ankles...
you either mean knuckles or knees but either way it's a magnificent looking orc. Can't wait to see it up close and maybe "borrow" it for a little while.

Re: [4th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas 2015 Exchange

PostPosted: Sunday December 20th, 2015 6:31pm
by sajungzak
I agree, but don't sell yourself short! Your control with a brush is to be admired.

Hope decipher is feeling better soon. Can't wait to hear what he thinks of his new mini.

Re: [4th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas 2015 Exchange

PostPosted: Sunday December 20th, 2015 6:35pm
by Goblin-King
sajungzak wrote:I agree, but don't sell yourself short! Your control with a brush is to be admired.

Exactly. A lot of your minis are in my "references" folder |_P

Re: [4th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas 2015 Exchange

PostPosted: Sunday December 20th, 2015 6:46pm
by sajungzak
Without knowing anybody in person who paints miniatures, this will provide an excellent guide for me. Watching videos and looking at pictures is one thing, holding an expertly painted miniature in your hand is another.

Re: [4th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas 2015 Exchange

PostPosted: Sunday December 20th, 2015 7:10pm
by tasoe
Thanks sajungzak, I'm really glad you liked it!

Goblin-King wrote:Cool mini. I just realized tasoe's theme is orcs with instruments! ;)

But... that base??? Is it just me or does it look really bizarre? Why is the top part so thick?

I'll also promote the idea of posting an additional picture with all your Christmas exchange miniatures! |_P
It is reportedly my 4th orc in 4 consecutive exchanges. Santa, black, drummer, and shaman. Once I started it was really hard to quit. Also, orcs are the easiest figures to come about so I always have plenty to use on these things.

About the base, it is actually a standard european base, it is only taller than the usual one. I have only noticed that thing one the green figures of the base game, that sometimes their bases are taller, as is the lower part of their legs/boots. Check out those two fimirs from the side:ImageImage
Both original figures, but one is from a batch with taller bases, and the lower legs are kind of taller (you can see the toe-nails sticking out a bit higher from the ground). I have a bunch of figures like that actually, only in green ones I've seen it though.

Finally, I will definitely take a group photo of all my received figures over the years, once I get this one.

EDIT: thanks guys, I really appreciate your comments.

Re: [4th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas 2015 Exchange

PostPosted: Monday December 21st, 2015 4:45am
by knightkrawler
The right one looks like Gene Simmons.

Re: [4th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas 2015 Exchange

PostPosted: Monday December 21st, 2015 6:36am
by Spiky
Lovely models so far guys! I'm going to have to lurk more frequently so I don't miss the sign up for the next one :)

Re: [4th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas 2015 Exchange

PostPosted: Monday December 21st, 2015 8:27am
by tasoe
knightkrawler wrote:The right one looks like Gene Simmons.
lol. most accurate observation ever.

Re: [4th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas 2015 Exchange

PostPosted: Monday December 21st, 2015 10:00am
by Goblin-King
tasoe wrote:About the base, it is actually a standard european base, it is only taller than the usual one. I have only noticed that thing one the green figures of the base game, that sometimes their bases are taller, as is the lower part of their legs/boots. Both original figures, but one is from a batch with taller bases, and the lower legs are kind of taller (you can see the toe-nails sticking out a bit higher from the ground). I have a bunch of figures like that actually, only in green ones I've seen it though.

Huh... That's highly peculiar! But very interesting.

I need to reconsider my life if I think that's actually interesting... But I do...

Re: [4th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas 2015 Exchange

PostPosted: Monday December 21st, 2015 4:52pm
by knightkrawler
Nah, you're an artist who#s into games. There's nothing to reconsider.
Wait. :?