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[4th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas 2015 Exchange

Topics and Rules for Christmas and Christmas in July miniature exchanges are discussed in this room.

[4th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas 2015 Exchange

Postby tasoe » Thursday September 3rd, 2015 7:13pm

Are we gonna do this or what? It's been two years since the last one.

I'll get things going on since no one else is taking charge.

For people who haven't taken part in a previous one, it works like secret santa. If you don't know what secret santa is, look it up.

1. People sign up here and I collect the names/addresses up via pm until the end of September.
2. I make a draw so each participant has someone to send to and someone (other) to receive from. (Ideally a non-participant can make the draw for me as I want my sender to be a surprise).
3. People paint something for their recipient, and send it by the end of November.
4. People receive their gift in December and post pictures of them.

1. Participants have to PAINT a heroquest figure.
2. Participants are NOT to reveal their recipient or their sender, until everyone has received their figure.
3. Participants are expected to commit to this. If they can't do it for certain, then they shouldn't sign up.

1. Regarding rule 1, I say that the painting part is mandatory. If someone wants to convert something as well it is allowed of course, but the finished result should be painted up.
2. Don't feel like you have to paint something exquisite and that if you are not that good then you shouldn't join in. It's a fun thing and the level of the painted figures is irrelevant. Just paint however you can. It's always been that way, you can read the comments of the previous exchanges.
3. If you finish your figure way earlier than the deadline, hold on to it and send it near the end of November. In any case, please DO NOT post any photo of a received figure before November 30.
4. It's customary to paint your name under the base of the figure you're sending.

If something important is forgotten, please let me know.

Any suggestions or questions are welcome and should be posted here freely.

List of participants:
1. tasoe
2. Ivenbach
3. wolfie907
4. EvilWizardCharacter
5. knightkrawler
6. Baylor_OgreBane
7. Goblin-King
8. Anderas
9. Ulver
10. mako-heart
11. sajungzak
12. billdask
13. scoundrel
14. Jackyboy
15. guitarhulk
16. Decipher

The results:
Baylor-OgreBane - sent a mean Fimir to jackyboy

Anderas - sent three goblin archers to Billdask

knightkrawler - sent an Ogre to mako-heart

Goblin-King - sent a good old fashioned Orc to Ulver

Billdask - sent a Sinestra out of resin to Goblin-King

tasoe - sent an orc shaman to sajungzak

Jackyboy - sent an Orc to KnightKrawler (and his first ever painted mini, to the right in the picture.)

scoundrel - sent a christmastree Gargoyle to Wolfie907

ajungzak - sent a bloody Orc to decipher

Ulver - sent a Chaos Warrior of Nurgle to Sjeng

Sjeng - sent a Chaos Warrior of Electric Magic to guitarhulk

IvenBach - sent a Barbarian to Anderas

guitarhulk - sent an Orc Boss (Reaper Bones Bugbear) to Ivenbach

tasoe wrote:ok, it has been a long wait but my figure has finally arrived. It's from EvilWizardCharacter and it's one of the rarest figures about, an elven archer from the elf quest pack.
here he is:

I'm having x-mas in january, thanks EvilWizardCharacter!
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Re: [4th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas 2015 Exchange

Postby IvenBach » Thursday September 3rd, 2015 7:35pm

YASE! I would like to participate. I have the time and somehow am getting results that please myself.

For those that think you have to be a good painter, you don't... My first one was laughably bad but I still took pride in having painted it and sent it. Bildask, I'm pretty sure it was him, will surely agree it wasn't well done.

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Re: [4th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas 2015 Exchange

Postby wolfie907 » Thursday September 3rd, 2015 11:56pm

Id be happy to get in on this

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Re: [4th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas 2015 Exchange

Postby EvilWizardCharacter » Friday September 4th, 2015 12:58am

This is great. I'm in.

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Re: [4th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas 2015 Exchange

Postby drathe » Friday September 4th, 2015 1:01am

tasoe wrote:Procedure:

2. I make a draw so each participant has someone to send to and someone (other) to receive from. (Ideally a non-participant can make the draw for me as I want my sender to be a surprise).

If something important is forgotten, please let me know.

I can do the draw. I'm likely not going to participate this year due to working two jobs, helping out with a Kickstarter and trying to get Champion of the Empire complete... plus other Inn and life-type stuff.

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Re: [4th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas 2015 Exchange

Postby knightkrawler » Friday September 4th, 2015 1:14am

I'm in this time.
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Re: [4th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas 2015 Exchange

Postby IvenBach » Friday September 4th, 2015 1:26am

drathe wrote:I can do the draw. I'm likely not going to participate this year due to working two jobs, helping out with a Kickstarter and trying to get Champion of the Empire complete... plus other Inn and life-type stuff.

Sarcasm: I think you need to rethink your priorities drathe /Sarcasm I'm glad I can participate. Just need to figure out that I'm going to make.

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Re: [4th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas 2015 Exchange

Postby Baylor_OgreBane » Friday September 4th, 2015 6:23am

count me in :D

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Re: [4th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas 2015 Exchange

Postby Sjeng » Friday September 4th, 2015 2:03pm

I love this but I havent painted in months due to life... And that will probably stay like that for a while so I probably won't be able to participate... When is the deadline?
Check out my YouTube channel Boardgame Heaven, and drop me a sub please!

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Re: [4th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas 2015 Exchange

Postby knightkrawler » Friday September 4th, 2015 2:29pm

HQ - Heroes & Villains (Dropbox-download link) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jgj0kzsys9w38oh/AAA_VEHx6vMv4HKRX7IiOWTFa?dl=0
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