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Brighten your dungeon.com - custom furniture exchange

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Re: Brighten your dungeon.com - custom furniture exchange

Postby chaoticprime » Thursday August 8th, 2013 8:31am

Alright, allow me to specify what I meant in my above comments.

Anything that can be placed on the board, that is not a figurine and does not perform a particular function also required of identical pieces (doors, blocked squares, pit traps). It'd be a rum deal to give someone a single blocked square that is all cool.

Regarding items that fit into apertures, I mean digital creations, printed out and laminated onto heavy-weight stock, that can replace the similar pieces used in furniture. Like these palisades that I made to fit into door bases,
In the case that you want to make something like this, make enough to warrant good use. If someone needs door bases, I can reproduce them very quickly. A good example of something I could do, would be to make a full set of the game's custom doors (iron entrance, wood exit, magical mirrors, portcullises, stone slab) and print them out in high-quality and on photo-paper. I would then attach those to thick mounting board and put that in a door-base. Simply put, you may make digital creations as well as physical ones, just so long as they are all delivered physically.

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Re: Brighten your dungeon.com - custom furniture exchange

Postby bruenor » Thursday August 8th, 2013 9:48am

I think anything that slots into a door stand should be ruled out.
Also unless the card piece is a part of the finished furniture like the original part plastic part card then card cutouts should also be ruled out as assembled they aren't post friendly.

Self built using plasticard, plastic or resin pieces should be the mainstay.
I mean you wouldn't send a card print out in the miniature exchange.

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Re: Brighten your dungeon.com - custom furniture exchange

Postby chaoticprime » Thursday August 8th, 2013 11:18am

That's prejudiced against individuals that would rather use Photoshop. A plastic furniture piece with a custom graphic on the cardboard piece is still the product of hard work, and is no less impressive. I think we should rule out basic doors, but there are plenty of great things that can be done with the door bases.

Its utterly fallacious to compare printing out furniture components with printing out miniatures. They're of entirely different orders. The very reason this topic exists is because the miniature exchange did not want to include miniature furnishings as being miniatures. Also, painting a miniature is one thing, but buying sheet styrene (especially GF9's over-priced Plasticard brand) will cost money. I mean you wouldn't buy a seven-dollar sheet of styrene in the miniature (figurine) exchange?

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Re: Brighten your dungeon.com - custom furniture exchange

Postby Sjeng » Thursday August 8th, 2013 12:47pm

I know I would be pretty bummed if I sent out a custom built cupboard and get a printed table in return. I don't think that's fallacious at all really.
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Re: Brighten your dungeon.com - custom furniture exchange

Postby bruenor » Thursday August 8th, 2013 2:24pm

Sjeng wrote:I know I would be pretty bummed if I sent out a custom built cupboard and get a printed table in return. I don't think that's fallacious at all really.

My point exactly, thank you Sjeng.

I'm not saying that cardstock stuff is easy to make from scratch but theres a mass of pre-made ready to print stuff out there and to be honest I'd be pretty upset to send out a nice resin piece only to receive a freebie cardstock print out.

Not trying to be difficult or ungrateful, just pointing out that not everyone would understand what you may have put into a card piece.
Plus not everyone will have the time or programs to create a cardstock piece from scratch, and to be honest, I wouldn't fancy it's chances in the post round here no matter how well it was wrapped.

Door bases are for doors, they are not furniture.

I feel like your arguing your point as possibly cardstock is your niche and you may be excellent at it, and thats good, but your arguement about not spending money on miniatures against having to buy plasticard is moot as all the miniatures sent in an exchange were bought at some point in time, expensive or not.

You only have to look at what Ampersand's done with a bit of plasticard and greenstuff, and yes I would like something like those.
Yes indeed.
I have nothing at all against cardstock either being the proud owner of around 20 sets of Worldworks stuff, which I have built and used in RPG's over the years.

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Re: Brighten your dungeon.com - custom furniture exchange

Postby chaoticprime » Thursday August 8th, 2013 3:23pm

Sjeng wrote:I know I would be pretty bummed if I sent out a custom built cupboard and get a printed table in return. I don't think that's fallacious at all really.

The fallacy was comparing miniature figures to furniture.

And that's not a moot point. Those miniatures may have been purchased at one point, but not expressly for this exchange.

I'm done here.

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Re: Brighten your dungeon.com - custom furniture exchange

Postby Goblin-King » Thursday August 8th, 2013 4:26pm

Not quite sure if I'll be in yet.

Would a custom built 3D door be allright? Or do we hate doors all together?
Like, modeled on top of a normal door base to fit in?

Regarding above discussion. I think printouts are better for shared projects. If I spend a lot of time painting an awesome digital floortile or whatever, it would feel kinda sad if I couldn't upload them to this site for everyone to enjoy. But that would defeat the purpose of giving someone a personal gift. So this is kinda the paradox I'm struggling with here...

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Re: Brighten your dungeon.com - custom furniture exchange

Postby wolfie907 » Friday August 9th, 2013 4:47am

id personally rather not get cardboard I already got a set and custom cardboard can be downloaded from hundreds of sites for free including this one styrene can be found all over if you look its used for signs and you can go get a blockbuster card for free and cut it up I always save those junk credit cards you get in the mail and use them for modeling ive converted all my own hq furniture for maybe 20 bucks in materials

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Re: Brighten your dungeon.com - custom furniture exchange

Postby Big Bene » Friday August 9th, 2013 5:50am

I did quite some "digital artwork", in my case mostly papercraft furniture (look hereand here), and when I want to share it at the inn, I simply upload it for all to use. It's still much work in those files, but I can see no point in printing them out at home and sending them via post, rather than just send / upload the files.
So I'd also vote for outruling printed paper / card tiles, except when they are part of a larger construction.
And that's not a moot point. Those miniatures may have been purchased at one point, but not expressly for this exchange.
How would you know? For the mini exchange, I've got a custom figure in mind (of course at this point it's unsure if this will be the one I finally choose to do) that would be based on a certain Warhammer mini that I don't own. I'm looking for it on Ebay just now, expressly for this exchange.
I'm done here.
Bye |_P
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Re: Brighten your dungeon.com - custom furniture exchange

Postby Spiky » Friday August 9th, 2013 6:02am

Goblin-King wrote:Would a custom built 3D door be allright? Or do we hate doors all together?
Like, modeled on top of a normal door base to fit in?

GK - I know by now that if you sculpted and painted a bit of poo to go in the corner of a room it would still shame whatever I managed to make! :D

chaoticprime wrote:That's prejudiced against individuals that would rather use Photoshop. A plastic furniture piece with a custom graphic on the cardboard piece is still the product of hard work, and is no less impressive. I think we should rule out basic doors, but there are plenty of great things that can be done with the door bases.

I'm a complete noob when it comes to furniture - I don't want to make any decisions from the point of ignorance. I can understand time and effort spent on designing and printing something, but can also see the reluctance from people about including printed items. At this stage I feel that printing replacement card designs for existing items is not going to be accepted.

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