UPDATE! All models have now arrived with the contributors!

Tasoe received an amazing converted Chaos Warrior from Goblin-King

Goblin-King received a nice High Mage from Spiky:

Spiky received a cool Goblin from Wolfie907:

Wolfie907 received a lovely re-engineered Skeleton from Big Bene!

Big Bene received a fantastic converted Orc from Tasoe!

When we get more/better pictures in, I'll add them to the images above! I just want to say a big thanks all of you for contributing and I hope you had as much enjoyment from this as I did!

This is something I saw on another forum, the idea is we all paint a model and send it to another forum member.
I thought it might be fun to do this between now and Christmas if anyone is interested?
Big Bene
The plan:
1) On Monday 5th November, I'll randomly select the entrants and PM them to confirm which forum member they are painting a mini for (so it'll be a surprise for the recipient)
2) You need to reply giving me your name and shipping address
3) You then need to paint any Heroquest model from the original game or official expansions. This isn't a painting competition but hopefully everyone will do their best efforts!

4) The model needs to be completed by Friday 7th December to allow time to be shipped to the recipient - hopefully this means we can all get our minis before the holidays - does this sound like enough time for everybody? If not we can delay until the new year if needed!
5) Please paint your forum name under the base of the mini so the recipient knows who painted it for them.
Please let me know if this doesn't work. I promise that I won't rig it so that you're all sending models to me!