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Play-by-Post Forum

Gather your Heroes for Play-by-Post adventures here. Posting in this room does not count toward your posting rank.
Forum rules
Use this area for gathering and playing Play-by-Post games. They need not be HeroQuest, but all games are still subject to the rules of the Ye Olde Inn forum. Posts in this room will not count toward your posting rank.

Note: There are no Quick Reply boxes in this forum. They have been disabled due to incompatibility with the Dice feature this forum uses.

Re: Play-by-Post Forum

Postby ndsandman » Tuesday August 17th, 2010 1:04pm

Help I am addicted to heroquest. Even going to non-english sites. I found a map in color with grid coords on it, just not sure how to attach to a posting.
Will have to read the forums again to see what to do. This seems to be a new way of playing. I might even give it a try, or come up with something like my friend does with all his play by email games, and ask how they do it.

found it lol
Re: quest posting
by drathe » Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:51 pm

Preferably in the Quests and Quest Packs forum. Saves the moderators from having to move the topic later.

There are various ways to post a Quest.

If the file is hosted some where (http://www.megaupload.com for example) then you can post the URL.
You can upload an image of the map to a site like imageshack, link it and copy&paste the notes in a post.
Once you reach Champion membership (at 14 posts) you can attach a file to a post.

Edit Once again heres my file:
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Re: Play-by-Post Forum

Postby drathe » Tuesday August 17th, 2010 2:56pm

There's an error on that map. Two 'N' columns. Although one appears to be 'Ñ'. Most people won't know how to type that. Don't know why they didn't just put a 'Z' column in at the end and shift the rest over.

DiceMOD Update: Did some more tinkering. Thus far, a regular d6 and a combat d6 can't coexist. Meaning if Combat Dice are used, there's no way to have the Red Die for movement. I've enquired on the MOD's development thread. Hopefully the author will respond with a way to make it happen.

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Re: Play-by-Post Forum

Postby drathe » Wednesday August 18th, 2010 11:52pm

No response yet on the development board for the DiceMOD. If I don't hear anything by the beginning of the week, I'll go with another option. Have the Combat Dice be the 6-sided dice and any Red Dice rolls will have to be managed by rolling 12-sided Dice. For movement, roll two 12-sided and divide by 2. For single Red Die rolls (ie, spell breaks), roll one 12-sided die and divide by 2 and round up for ½ numbers.

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Re: Play-by-Post Forum

Postby drathe » Monday August 23rd, 2010 10:38pm

Someone responded (not the MOD Author, who has been MIA since June) and said only one set of each dice (d6, d6, d20 etc) can be available. So I've come up with option G. I've made a set of d6 images with the Red Die at the top and Combat Die at the bottom. Essentially, rolling a d6 will roll both a Red Die and a Combat Die. I plan on adding this MOD to the forum tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday, the 24th). The Forum will be disabled during this time. A backup of the database will me created prior to the install should anything adversely affect the forum. Once complete, the Play-by-Post section will be the only area to have the Dice function available. Various dice will be included; d4, d6 (modified), d8, d10, d12 & d20.

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Re: Play-by-Post Forum

Postby el_flesh » Tuesday August 24th, 2010 8:02am

you da MAN!
"I will raise your dead body as an undead skeleton. Then I will make it do unspeakable acts. Like taking a shower." - El Flesh.


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Re: Play-by-Post Forum

Postby drathe » Tuesday August 24th, 2010 4:26pm

...and it's done!

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Re: Play-by-Post Forum

Postby el_flesh » Saturday April 14th, 2012 9:13pm


So what's the word on making those dice rollers available in these play by posts?
I want to get a play by post or else vassal game going.

Unless noone wants to play with me.
Then I must once again go and play with myself.
"I will raise your dead body as an undead skeleton. Then I will make it do unspeakable acts. Like taking a shower." - El Flesh.


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Re: Play-by-Post Forum

Postby drathe » Saturday April 14th, 2012 10:09pm

The Forum-Based dice have been working well since the last update.

Just type the short form for the number and type of dice you're rolling between the dice tags (ie. 2d6):

d6 shows both standard dice and the HQ dice. Also available are d4, d8, d10, d12 and d20.

If you want to also show the total that's rolled, use the total dice tag:

Forum Dice will only work in the play-by-post forum. The quick reply box is disabled in this forum because the two functions are not compatible together.

Patroclus has a quest going here:
Everyone is free to jump in and control a hero, or heroes for a turn whenever they are online. It's pretty much an everyone plays who ever they want whenever they're here sort of game. Although at this very moment, it's the evil wizard's turn and we're waiting on him.

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