by Gold Bearer » Sunday March 9th, 2014 7:34pm
I really want to start testing my custom stuff now so I'd love to get a play-by-post game going. The thing is I don't want to actually be involved in the game, I'd like to keep my distance and just observe but also take part for certain things, such as a quest with rival heroes or a group of special monsters that are against the other monsters and the heroes, and just being a general arbitrator. I don't want I a nice DM for this. The evil wizard players job will be to try as hard as possible to kill the heroes. I'll basically be the DM. I could also act as a stand in for the heroes if a player misses their turn to keep the game moving. I've been reading the active play--by-post games going on at the moment and I think I get roughly how it works.
The way the characters are chosen is that each of the four hero players picks one character from each of the four main groups of heroes, or if the players prefer maybe each player picks one of the complete groups of four and when they separate each party has one character from each group. This way wouldn't allow for as much flexibility when choosing characters though because if there's one character they especially want they'd have to have the other three that go with it.
I'd like to start with a free-for-all game that has no bearing on the campaign using the same heroes that the players will use in the campaign. Basically a death match to see who can get the most hero kills, including the evil wizard player. Each players four characters should start off away from each other rather than together I think. You can try to bring them together during the game if you want to gang up on heroes. I could get involved with this one as well by picking one hero from each of the four groups of battle magicians starting around the corner edges of the centre room. A hero could go up a rank to veteran, then master, then legend each time they kill another hero. I'd love to get enough people from the forum interested so that each player has one hero each but I doubt that will happen. Maybe if the death match attracts more people. Original players would get to choose which of their characters they want to keep.
I'd like to redo the standard quests keeping the flavour of them but changing things around, if I can work out how to use Hero Scribe, haven't tried it yet. For The Trial I'm thinking of using a boards that are linked together like in the Dark Company campaign. Nine boards three by three with one group in each corner working their way to the middle board. After that I'm thinking do the quests in groups of four. The players can choose which group they want to send on which quest and have four quests going at the same time. After that they meet back up and can change their teams for the next four quests, or two with two groups of eight, or whatever. I don't have to finish all the quests before we start. Having an evil wizard player who's making up the quests as they go along would be annoying, but if it's someone who isn't involved in the game it doesn't matter. I could make the quests as easy or as hard as they need to be, depending on how the heroes are doing. As long as the quests themselves don't change while they're being played it should would work very nicely.
What do you think? Any thoughts or ideas about how this will or won't work are more than welcome.