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Saturday *Morning* DUNGEON!

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Saturday *Morning* DUNGEON!

Postby Axian » Saturday November 25th, 2023 2:08pm

So I've played a solo game with the AxianQuest Infinite Dungeon deck and made a full game recap on my blog: https://axianspice.blogspot.com/2023/11 ... -full.html
TTRPG & BG translator, editor, writer, designer, blogger -and of course HeroQuest lover!
Heroic Skills Deck
Wondrous Artifacts Deck
My gaming blog Axian Spice
My HeroQuest blog posts
My OSR RPG stuff for OSE and other B/X d&d rulesets and retroclones
My Savage Worlds RPG stuff

Posts: 13
Joined: Wednesday January 11th, 2023 5:24am
Location: Pisa, Italy
Forum Language: English (United States)
Evil Sorcerer: Zargon


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Every cent received goes toward Ye Olde Inn's maintenance and allows us to continue providing the best resources for HeroQuest and Fantasy Gaming fans.

Re: Saturday *Morning* DUNGEON!

Postby dennislikesgames » Saturday January 27th, 2024 11:27am

Thanks for creating these! I'm saving my pennies to get all of the sets, but I do have the Infinite Dungeon (which seemed like the best first purchase). Are you going to be creating custom monsters or randomizers for monsters that exist as customs now?

Posts: 4
Joined: Wednesday December 13th, 2023 12:42pm
Forum Language: English (United States)
Evil Sorcerer: Morcar

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