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in memory of fallen heros...

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in memory of fallen heros...

Postby darthjason » Monday February 21st, 2011 1:11am

I had a hard time trying to post photos; still not sure it’s working...

Anyway this is the 12th quest, we are using what I call the "hard core" optional rule that I read about on this site where if Zargon/Morcor rolls any round shields it blocks all sculls rolled by the heroes (it doesn’t undo and previously dealt damage).

This is where things got interesting, the heroes discovered the secret door and they split the party...
(I removed the fake doors whenever a hero tried to open one saying "as you reach for the handle the door vanishes, there is nothing there but solid rock")

Both halves of the party run into big trouble...

The wizard and dwarf wound the gargoyle, the elf gets surrounded, and the barbarian runs for dear life...

The wizard is badly hurt so he casts Rock Skin and attempts to flee...but he's too scared to open another door
(I haven't gotten around to panting most of my minis yet, but I do have a duplicate of each hero painted and textured to look like rock)

The gargoyle goes for the wizard and breaks Rock Skin; somehow, the wizard manages to survive...

Meanwhile, the barbarian rushes back to lend aid to the elf...

But the elf gets possessed by the Witch King and turns on the other hero...
(I hope this one doesn't turn out sideways...it kept appearing that way on imageshack no matter how many times I tried to change it.)

The barbarian is slain and the elf returns to his senses, the undead that attempt to pursue the elf are also slain, but the newly awakened Witch King is too slow to cast anymore of his spells, while the dwarf and wizard finish off the gargoyle.
All but the barbarian make it out alive.
Last edited by darthjason on Sunday October 6th, 2013 2:44pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: in memory of fallen heros...

Postby joec » Monday February 21st, 2011 12:43pm

That was one of the last quests my group has played, and we had similar results.

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun!

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Re: in memory of fallen heros...

Postby darthjason » Monday February 21st, 2011 2:12pm

yeah, it was a blast. i can't wait to play again.
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Re: in memory of fallen heros...

Postby el_flesh » Tuesday February 22nd, 2011 12:05pm

Now THAT'S fun! You can make even more of a play-by-play; but I noticed that I have to write everything down as it happens if I'm to remember anything !!!
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Re: in memory of fallen heros...

Postby darthjason » Tuesday February 22nd, 2011 12:34pm

it was a pretty memerable quest. we just did q13 and there's no way i could recount that one as acuratly, even though i took pics of that one too
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Re: in memory of fallen heros...

Postby Patroclus » Wednesday February 23rd, 2011 8:31am

I am impressed how interesting it is to see other people playing. Nice pics! |_P

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