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Sneak peek of my campaign

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Sneak peek of my campaign

Postby Azure » Sunday October 4th, 2020 9:01am

Hello fellowship of the Quest. Considering I don't have much experience as a Dungeon Master (let alone for D&D as well), this is a sneak peak of my very first HeroQuest campaign with my custom storytelling. I have been the DM for HeroQuest about 20 times for random quests, and I played as a hero pretty much as often -- which I believe is enough to have a good grasp on storytelling. HeroQuest is rather straight-forward and usually doesn't have scenario-bending decisions. So here is a short sneak peek of the main parts of the campaign (the big elements that trigger the exploration of the dark lands)

Quest 1 involves a rat problem in the Tavern Keeper's basement... (very short, maybe 40 mins)
Quest 2 is about a goblin clan who attacked & robbed a caravan that belongs to the blacksmith... (quite short, maybe 1 hour)

I'll most likely do all 2 first quests in the first session. Quest 3 starts everything. Multiple triggers.

Quest Three: Turmoil
At the town square, the Elder gathers with many villagers to speak of the recent happenings. In the wake of strange circumstances, the townsfolk share their worries with the heroes. One after the other, the citizens speak up. Haedrig, the farmer, claims to have heard some weird grumbling sounds coming from far away in the fields at night. Lloyd, who attends the church, says the Bishop appears to be weakening and is often being replaced by the priest to conclude the mass. Eleanor, who gathers berries and mushrooms in the woods, mentions having seen a group of Orcs forcefully dragging prisoners into a dark cave. Upon these revelations, your group is being asked to investigate these matters in a timely fashion.

** There are 4 parts to Quest 3, three are in accordance with the narrative of the paragraph, one is a surprise.**
After completing all 4 parts of the Quest, starting with the rescue of the villagers, there is an interlude that officially puts the heroes on a mission to defend the kingdom. Each part of Quest 3 is about 1.5 hours to 2 hours.

Basically, the heroes will have completed 6 sessions when they leave the hometown.

In these times of unrest, the town’s Elder swiftly gathers the inhabitants. Rising his oak staff high, he speaks of an Evil Omen; as impossible as it may seem, the Forces of Darkness could indeed be arising once again. The manuscripts found in the Bishop’s library are confirmed to be of sinister origin. It appears that the Evil Sorcerer, Zargon, was able to return, somehow. A handful of servants scattered in the Kingdom could very well assist him with his demented machinations.

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Re: Sneak peek of my campaign

Postby lestodante » Sunday October 4th, 2020 10:11am

Would you mind to share the map and the notes for your quests?
It will be easier to virtually playtest them for other users and suggestions may arrive from others.
Members will be very happy to just read or play new quests.

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Re: Sneak peek of my campaign

Postby Azure » Sunday October 4th, 2020 12:55pm

Yes Lestodante, as my Campaign will progress, I will post each specific Session in detail, adding the monsters, party formation, maps, and special notes.
I'll do that after each quest - promise. Please note that some quests actually take place on roads, outside, or on a flat rocky landscape, maybe a sharp mountain side.

I'm also integrating the D12 as a very unique mechanic.
It will work in cooperation with the normal Skulls.

To make it work, an absolute 2 skulls minimum is required before throwing the D12

--When rolling for Attack, On a 11, the hit is quite powerful and will add an automatic 1 direct damage.
--Rolling a 12 will result in total obliteration if the enemy has 2 Body Points or less / or if there is OverKill on higher mobs
--Rolling a 12 on a big boss will cause massive damage +2, instead of +1 with 11.

Obliteration is a way of dealing damage with an extra narrative (Epic and Gory) element.

I calculated everything, there is a 8% chance to roll 11, and another 8% chance to roll 12.
Critical hits and Obliteration will mostly happen with fighters, paladins, rangers, and rogues (anybody who really fights)

Examples :
Your archer manages to reach a momentum of precision ; as you hand releases, the arrow is shot at lightning speed, piercing the Goblin's eyeball through the skull. It continues its trajectory and detaches the head from the Goblin's torso.

Your paladin takes a brutal swing, vocalizing with wrath and using all of his muscular strength; the spiky flail lands on the Skeleton's skull cracking its structure in multiple flying pieces. You see the neck collapsing inside the rib cage and shoulder bones raining above your head.

Your mage casts a powerful Fireball on the Orc, it hits the target with such destructive force that the Orc's bowels are revealed in the explosion. They are nothing more than burnt smoking sausages.

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Re: Sneak peek of my campaign

Postby Orc26 » Sunday October 4th, 2020 3:55pm

Orc sausage... Yum!

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Re: Sneak peek of my campaign

Postby Azure » Monday October 5th, 2020 9:10pm

Yes, Goblin brains, Orc sausage, Fimir's roasted tail, Zombie Sandwich.

I'm progressing fast with my campaign preparation.

:skull: Clean my Table Top Simulator table. check
:skull: Gather all mini-figurines from HeroQuest to my custom table in TTS. check
:skull: Gets 2D pre-drawn maps that look good. check
:skull: Double-check the monster stats, and make sure I have at minimum twice the monster variety. check
:skull: Setup the ''player station'' with counters, markers, inventory, belt pouch, notepad, armor, equipment slots. check
:skull: Create a critical hit mechanic, along with epic battle narration for these devastating attacks. check
:skull: Start sketching the first 2 quests. check
:skull: Have on hand all the modular tiles for 3D dungeons with custom lighting effects. check

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