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2nd attempt generating a dungeon

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2nd attempt generating a dungeon

Postby Azure » Tuesday September 22nd, 2020 9:21pm

This 2nd attempt resulted in a much more convincing dungeon. The colors relate to a Danger Level, if you wanna know.
Tell me what you think.
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Re: 2nd attempt generating a dungeon

Postby Anderas » Wednesday September 23rd, 2020 3:09am

What is it that you use as dungeon generator? Something self-written?

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Re: 2nd attempt generating a dungeon

Postby Azure » Wednesday September 23rd, 2020 8:27am

I use the rules for Advanced HeroQuest, with some additional tweaks. That allows me to generate a dungeon. Ask me, I have them somewhere...
Sometimes the dungeon looks really friggin weird and blatantly stupidly designed. A dungeon master would probably want to refine and make some changes when the dice rolls bring something stupid to the dungeon.

What you actually see is TableTop Simulator- - a virtual game, available on STEAM. With ''TTS'' you can play HUNDREDS of table top games and board games for the mere price of 20 to 25$

I keep talking about it ! - Just, nobody seems actually convinced of the results except you haha :D

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Re: 2nd attempt generating a dungeon

Postby Anderas » Wednesday September 23rd, 2020 9:12am

No, I was about to propose some changes to your algorithm :D No, it's not convincing, you're right.

I am not convinced by most random dungeon generators. The best was until yet the one from darklight, which uses a game card per available room; you mix them, you place the room you draw from the pile. At intersections, you divide up the pile into several piles, one per exit. But still they look all alike.

What is missing for my taste: You can't generate loops with those, you can't generate secret doors, well, you can't tell a story with them.

Am I too picky?

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Re: 2nd attempt generating a dungeon

Postby Azure » Wednesday September 23rd, 2020 10:23am

I agree ! Yes, you make a very valid point. The dungeon is so random, that almost no story-telling is possible. The map doesn't really make sense half of the time and it would be difficult to implement a smart configuration that demonstrates intelligent creatures living there with such a janky architecture.

I do this just for fun, because I only have 1 group of HeroQuest Classic, and I'm bored. I wanna play with custom heroes and custom monsters. I'm testing if most of the mechanics do make sense. It's fun to test stuff. Yes, I've seen DarkLight Memento Mori. It's such an interesting game.
I should actually study DarkLight.

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Re: 2nd attempt generating a dungeon

Postby lestodante » Wednesday September 23rd, 2020 5:12pm

Azure wrote:With TableTop Simulator you can play HUNDREDS of table top games and board games for the mere price of 20 to 25$

Wondering if Hasbro will block Heroquest on TTS because of copyrights infringments....

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Re: 2nd attempt generating a dungeon

Postby Azure » Wednesday September 23rd, 2020 5:26pm

That's a big question.

They would not be able to erase the Game System.

But they could erase the assets.

If one player has all the rules by heart, and a list of the spells and equipment - everybody can keep playing.

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Re: 2nd attempt generating a dungeon

Postby Mophus » Thursday September 24th, 2020 4:35pm

I like creating dungeons with the AHQ generator, but I slightly altered the generation, too. I use only one set of tiles and don't reuse them. I always pregenerate the dungeon. I draw the dungeon on a A4 sheet of squared paper. One field is one square. I decide where the entrance section should be and the sheet's borders define the maximum expansion of the dungeon.

There's also a software for the AHQ generator: https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/12925/ahq-map-generatorzip

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Re: 2nd attempt generating a dungeon

Postby Azure » Thursday September 24th, 2020 5:53pm

Thanks !
That is quite useful !
I appreciate it.

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