We actually played this a couple of weeks ago and I've finally got around to this. Once again it was highly enjoyable. Thanks j_dean80. As usual I made alot of amendments to suit my taste/the storyline, but the quest was essentially as written. One of the main changes was to have a much simplified Quest 2 with no monsters, but still giving access to the other quests. As I use Evil Wizard cards, the race back to quest 2 and onto a new quest was a game in itself!
It was a tough battle throughout, although particularly Quest 7. I particularly enjoyed the Orc archers on the battlements with their spear attacks. I liked the furnace room in Quest 5. The poor Heroes having to run through in to an EW card boosted room, and then get back again, all for 75gc. Ha! cruel.
A major theme running through my version was the gradual turning of Sir Vardion. The Heroes had failed to retrieve the Black Stone in the Mound of the Beastmen, so I placed it in this quest, split into four parts hidden around the quest. With each piece of the Stone Sir Vardion became more powerful. He was an awesome Special Henchman, regularly rolling 4, 5 or even 6 skulls with his Greatsword. However, he also became more evil, finally turning to chaos with the final piece. true to form he duly smashed the poor Sage to pieces with a 6 skull attack. Poor Korhil had no potions. He then brushed aside the just found Halberdier man, before finally being felled by the main man, Eagle the Elf with his Bow of Loren.
I meant to take more pics, but here are two I did take. One is at the start while still outside the Watchtower. The other is right at the end with the Heroes approaching Rethnor's abode. U can see Sir Vardion in the early quest with his sword raised high. In the other pic he is now a Chaos Champion although still nominally helping the Heroes in this quest for the final piece. His final incarnation was with a Forsaken model, all deformed and horned.