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JoeC's Rumble in the D

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Re: JoeC's Rumble in the D

Postby Sjeng » Saturday June 14th, 2014 10:15am

Many American houses are made of wood. It's cheaper than bricks, but it's also why you see so many destroyed towns after a hurricane. They just blow away completely. It does have it's charm though. But I wouldn't want the maintainance that comes with wooden buildings. All sorts of insects and vermin too. Eeek! (But that's just based on what I see/read on TV/internet. Been to LA/las vegas/San Fransisco once though. SF seems to be built better than LA, and LV is like an amusement park).
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Re: JoeC's Rumble in the D

Postby joec » Wednesday May 13th, 2015 7:39pm


From the other night's RotWL Q6...

The best part was once the heroes entered and freed the Barbarian and Elf, the Dwarf stood in the doorway and drank the purple liquid from the original quest book. He turned to stone for five turns.

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Re: JoeC's Rumble in the D

Postby whitebeard » Wednesday May 13th, 2015 9:06pm

Great to see a report from the motor city. I'm just North of there.

So I read some of the less recent posts in this thread, and I seem to remember Kool-Aid man busting through at least one cinder brick wall as well as a back yard fence!! So it's not really about the houses all being made of wood. Kool-aid Man just always had to make a dramatic juggernaut-esque entrance.

Incidentally, my parent's house in coastal New England is over 150 years old and made of wood. Bugs and pests not a problem. I sat through several hurricanes and never any damage to the house. The houses located on the barrier beaches however… They look like popsicle stick bridges after being strength tested. Oh Yeah!! :)
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Re: JoeC's Rumble in the D

Postby el_flesh » Friday May 15th, 2015 9:38am

Well I would say older houses were built more solid than new houses, but presumably there were also old houses on the barrier beaches? The fact that newer houses would be built on the older houses locations would show even the older houses didn't stand up to strength tests? (Although they probably lasted a hell of alot longer than the newer houses)
I know of an "old stone house" near the shore of a major river in East Canada; it has stood for over 300 years.
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